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A member registered Aug 18, 2021 · View creator page →

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Evet, Shards of the Past satın aldığınızda, önceki tüm içeriklere ve gelecekteki tüm güncellemelere sahip olursunuz. Sadece bir kez satın almanız yeterlidir.

Dreams will be the main way to see Valdrid's past, but there will also be short flashbacks triggered by choices or events happening. Later in the story, depending on your choices and relationship, a character can offer to help you piece all these memories together.

You will have to wait and see what we learn about his past :)

Without giving too much away both the Branson and Damerek paths will introduce different characters. Depending on your choices  a couple of the characters will have a reoccurring role in the story and another character can come back later in the story as an ally.
Korvin, the man dressed in the black armor will not be on your side :)


Correct.  The two paths will have a chance to reunite. Being on the Damerek or Branson paths will give you different views of certain scenes and different backstory scenes and history for those characters. The Damerek or Branson paths will also unlock certain paths and scenes in future updates of the story.

I have posted a couple development logs for the next update 0.4.0 and I have another one coming soon that will give some more updates on the progress.

I have, since his hair is an older asset and can be a little wonky sometimes. A few of the characters will see their appearance and outfits change during the course of the game. Some might be story related others might be because a certain asset causes issues. The biggest challenge is finding out where in the story it makes sense to do so.

Glad you enjoyed the game! It is set to release on steam with the next update.

It is not a harem game, so you will want to focus on the solo LI paths. There is the chance that you could switch and pursue someone else, but things might get messy and feelings will get hurt.

Yes. If a LI gets pregnant I want to include that in their ending. It might differ by each LI as to how that plays out in their story line, but I want their ending to have a conclusion to that pregnancy or a birth.

Each LI will have their own storylines and endings. Pregnancy is planned in a couple of ways. There will be a chance for LI to get pregnant, but given the amount of time that will elapse during your journey they would only be in the early stages of pregnancy during the main game. I am adding random encounters to the game and some of these will have a one night stand type content. I have one planned for a woman who is very far along in her pregnancy. 

Sometimes the real monsters are the people....

Glad you enjoyed it!

I am glad you are excited for the next update. I have done all but one of the flashback scenes for this update. Those have been the most work since each one means a new environment has to be created as well as new characters. So I feel I have a bulk of the more time consuming work done. The scenes that are left to pose and render are all environments and characters that were in chapter one. I have done a good amount of those already and I feel that I should be able to keep up on those at a good pace. I still have music to complete, journal updates and achievements. I am past the half way point on the update and the work I have left I have been pushing hard to complete. I want the next update out since there is some great backstory and answers to a lot of questions about certain characters.