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A member registered Jul 17, 2016 · View creator page →

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Music was super unsettling and really gave a unique scare when waiting to be attacked, did you make the song yourself?

beautiful game, can't wait to play more and master every little detail to create the best ecosystems

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This is a really fun game with an awesome amount of polish to it, the different unlocks  and quests are an awesome touch

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A lot of fun, very tense and is very polished! Would love an ost XD

Really awesome concept that freaked me out, art is super clean and fits well with the music

Art and music are amazing, couldn't really get in time with the music

Pixel art has a nice charm to it, and the attack looks super nice. Really like good and bad idea. Colours could be a bit nicer on the eyes

Really cool concept would love to see it polished 

Physics to the items add an annoying difficulty to it. Maybe if each item had a unique weight? Nice tunes though and very nice to look at.

Really satisfying when all the shapes line up! Also bug with the cross shapes where they combine and twitch out as one

Feels nice to move the platform, would love to see more colour! Overall nice sho

Really chill game, love the shake effect when you drop a rectangle. Makes the drop feel really tense