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A member registered Oct 20, 2018 · View creator page →

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gorgeous! :) one of the most beautiful puzzlescripts i've played. great use of color! what a vibe.

no worries! thanks for the clarification.

i have noticed some of the terminology feels inconsistent between games and some is kind of ambiguous (e.g. i've gotten confused whether  "below" means lower on the screen, or stacked underneath another card).

regardless i'm really enjoying the pack even though many of the variants feel  slightly out of reach for me in terms of difficulty. i keep poking away at it even when i'm getting trounced. i think the aesthetic coherence and excellent music are a big part of it!

and maybe not intentional, but these rule quibbles do play into the "mystery" theme somewhat. it's been enjoyable to read between the lines in some of the games and discover that, oh, i can use monster attack slots as free cells, etc. i think most board game manuals would call these implied rules out explicitly, but i do think there is a case to be made for not spelling out too much. it gives it a unique feel, and it's sort of up to you whether you want to intentionally lean into that or not.

Not sure I understand the rules for fork solitaire -- I am on the updated patch w/ the new rules explanation, but I often cannot create forks. I understand that I cannot create a fork ABOVE another fork, but there are many cases where I cannot create a fork below another fork too? Is there some branch limit or other unstated rule?

Here's a hastily put-together example of what I mean:

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hey, glad you enjoyed it so thoroughly! it really takes quite a bit of work to beat all the levels; glad you came back to it.

sometimes it takes me two or three tries with a game before it digs its way into my brain, too. i kind of love that feeling -- where i go "i would like to like this" to finally "i get it and i love this". i like exercising that intentionality about media, or really just anything in my life. if i just went w/ my initial reaction the world would be so much bleaker. digging past the surface is often very rewarding.

i have adhd and the eclectic nature of my games is not lost on me -- i lean into it because i've realized channeling that part of myself gives people a little window into my experience and sharing that feels very valuable to me.

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hey thanks :)

game launched w/o a tutorial but i saw it was needed pretty quickly and cranked it out in about a day, so i'm glad it comes off polished lol. i didn't really have space for it on the cart, so i took the gameplay cart, ripped out a bunch of code i didn't need, and then hacked in the tutorial. the game is actually 3 carts in all: menu/intro, game, and tutorial.

a bit over-scoped from my original vision, but hey, multi-carts in pico8 aren't too bad a player experience; just like a second of load between them.

appreciate it :) thanks for playing!!

it's can be tricky but it should be easier than some of the levels in the 40s. certainly easier than level 50.

what a sweet review -- thanks omega! that's very flattering.

not sure if you were able to figure out the end. i can give you a few hints. they'll get more explicit each bullet point down.

  • gurer'f n pbeare-pnfr zrpunavp va gur tnzr gung unfa'g orra "hfrq" hagvy guvf cbvag (nygubhtu v'q or fbeg bs fhecevfrq vs lbh unira'g frra vg). lbh arrq vg va guvf yriry.
  • gur zrpunavp vaibyirf gjb gryrcbegref.
  • gur tubfg jnagf gb rfpncr guvf jbeyq.

if you're still stuck, here is the explicit instruction on the goal of the level (but not the steps to solve it):

  • lbh zhfg chfu gjb pbaarpgrq gryrcbegref gbtrgure arne gur tenir. guvf jvyy pnhfr gurz gb rkcybqr naq qrfgebl gur tenir.

there's a sneaky trick to this one, haha. you're close!

let's say your third bullet is wrong and see if that's enough of a hint. if not, lmk

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I love this! Really elegant and simple mechanics, but I'm still finding nuances and ways to get better!


Thanks for playing!

cute! fun!

no, thank you!!

very slick! cool game :)

There is only a web version of this game -- I don't officially support Android.

glad you enjoyed it! :)

thanks for the feedback! i'm very proud of this game!

hi bobo i have not gotten very far yet but i can already tell you did a very good job on this game. i will update you when i know more. thanks for your time.

nice! great job! afaik not very many people have gotten all the reds.

oh, you've done all the other ones? you can do it! i don't even think it's the hardest red. just do a few practice runs and figure out a good strategy for each section.

it's not necessarily all fake paths -- it's more identifying what the player will likely do and trying to force them to use the mechanic in a way that's surprising. i like to write down all the corner cases i find while i'm testing the game and then try to build puzzles around those cases.

iteration is also very important for puzzle design. i test a lot and try to improve puzzles i'm not happy with, and cut out ones that will never work.

for the 1,1 coin door, it is impossible to get normally (you can't jump the spikes). you have to use another of your abilities. :)

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yeah the reds are for sickos only lol

oh yeah, definitely a tricky one. making good progress if you're down there!

Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it :)

wow, very nice! even those yellows can be pretty tricky!

it's ok just think of them as abstract symbols and figure out addition solely by experimentation.

these were fun! thanks :)

simple and clever game!

Very nice! Deducing that can be very difficult. You have to challenge your assumptions one-by-one.

Yes, I can confirm that all the levels in the game are possible!

If you want a hint, let me know what you've figured out so far.

very nice. that's a tricky one!

neat! second act was by far the most brutal -- flappy bird + difficult controls is quite the combo, lol.

looks great, plays well -- cute idea!

Getting into tough levels there. Hard to hint without knowing what you've already figured out. Reveal them in order until you get an idea. I've kept the hints kind of high-level:


Hints for 35:

  • Jung vf gur fgehpgher bs guvf yriry? Ubj jbhyq lbh oernx gung fgehpgher?
  • Gurer ner gjb yriryf ba gbc bs rnpu bgure, ohg lbh pna bayl npprff unys bs gur nernf jvgu gur fgnegvat ynlbhg.
  • Lbh zhfg oernx gur cnevgl bs gur plpyr gb npprff arj nernf.
  • Gurer ner gjb jnlf gb trg gb na nern vs gurl nera’g oybpxrq: pybpxjvfr naq pbhagre-pybpxjvfr.

Hints for 36:

  • Jung pna lbh qb gb n cbegny gb znxr vg zber hfrshy ba guvf yriry?
  • Vs lbh whfg unq 2 fbyvq oybpxf lbh orng gur yriry.
  • Jung vf gur checbfr bs gur cbegny ba gur vfynaq? Ubj pbhyq lbh rire znxr vg hfrshy?

Hey minidavid -- glad you enjoyed the game.

As for your question -- TIC-80 does not provide much structure as an "engine" so there is no "correct" way to implement undo. It very much depends on how you've implemented it in your game.

As a guess, perhaps you're undoing on button hold rather than button press so that it's triggering multiple times very fast?

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Hey I tried to hide your response but I accidentally deleted both your posts (I think because one was a parent of the other).

Try not to post direct solutions or hints within the comments. The rot13 is so that people can optionally interact with the hints. Some folks want to solve levels without hints and I don't want them to be scared to read the comments.


Sure, reveal the hints in order until it gives you enough direction to continue.

Hints for level 33:

  • Vf gurer n jnl lbh pbhyq gnxr zber 5f jvgu lbh guebhtu gur frevrf bs cbegnyf?
  • Gb trg rabhtu 5f, lbh arrq gb fgber gurz vafvqr n cbegny.
  • Gur bayl jnyy gung rkvfgf va guvf yriry vf gur 5 qbbe. Pna lbh hfr gung va fbzr jnl?
  • Lbh arrq gb or noyr gb chfu gur cbegny naq gnxr vg jvgu lbh.
  • Lbh pna hfr n 10 ntnvafg gur 5 qbbe gb or noyr gb chfu gur cbegny.

Hints for level 7:

  1. Qbrf vg znggre juvpu funcr lbh hfr gb bcra gur jvyq qbbe?
  2. Ubj pna lbh trg rabhtu funcrf gb bcra nyy gur qbbef?
  3. Pna lbh hfr n lryybj qvnzbaq gb bcra gur jvyq qbbe?

You're pretty close then! Hope these help:

  • Lbh arrq gb pyrne gur fvqrf va n pregnva beqre.
  • Vf vg cbffvoyr gb qrynl pbzovavat gur ahzoref? Jura vf vg arprffnel?