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A member registered Aug 07, 2021

Recent community posts

that sucks, gonna leave here something but i haven't tried this game yet, so i don't know if this will really help or not, but for me it usually works

for now, the best way for me to install something has been uninstalling the game, and install the new version, why? idk, it works, otherwise i get the same error, in most games i didn't lose my progress but may not be the case here.

a friend once said, both versions of the game might be fine, but a slight core change in the game could make the android sistem say, "this is not the same, nuh, not gonna do it"

taking note of what de dev says, it could be the difference between the renpy versions, a lil fcked up but that happens sometimes

not yet, but there was a new update about the game in the dev patreon, for now, they haven't dropped the game, we can expect new content soon

hi, i played the game for 2 days and i have little ideas for the game, like the cocktails, for pc build there could be an option for click the drink and add it immediately to the cocktail, instead of draging it on the mixer, mostly cuz... well, im lazy i wont lie xD

btw, its a great game actualy, at least the NSFW content its pretty good and the variety of cocktails its great, good luck on the project

also, there could be a coments section in the main page, i thinked that i couldnt leave bugs reports or ideas and i saw this "greetings" post

hi, im playing in the map and when the character tommy pops up the game doesnt show any text box, and keeps like it forever, what should i do? is when i get nearby a grey structure north the begining tow (sorry for an akward english, still learning xD)

uh... it could be several things, graphic card driver, windows or system archives isues (depends on what platform u are using) and many others... if its not the game specifically then... that would be hard to guess

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the man at the beach should give u a fish, use it whit the cat

i have a question... there are a direct conection whit yorna, i wonder, will be ada too as a romance character? it would be pretty funny (for those who wonders, look for the game "yorna: monsters girl's secrets" pretty funny too)
or its just the same world but diferent time lines?

oh, I didn't look at the item, thanks :D

dont mind me... the gallery... i didnt see it xD

i think that a game load would be nice in the game screen, and not to go everytime to the title screen when u want to lose against someone weak, a gallery would be nice, m... personaly i would even put a surrender option for... why not, and random enemys whit a very short h-scene, like little ghost or something like that... even a intercouse whit teamates, thought i dont doubt it will be there on te final game, the demo might be short, but its pretty nice, i liked it (sorry for my english im still learning :v)

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dude... it was weird, I have a Samsung A01 and I have downloaded this game a few times, last version was slow on my mobile, it's have a 2ghz octa-core, this new public version doesn't run... but in one try it opened, sadly, I changed accidentally the graphic settings to high and instantly crashed, since then I keep trying to open the game bit nothing, even after deleting every data about it on my phone and reinstalled it, I'm curious, maybe it's has to do something whit the "settings helper" of the beginning,  maybe one can try to run the game whit everything on minimum or limit from the start some load content, the try I got to work this last patch I turned on the power save setting, open the game, it crashed, then turned the save power off and worked, I really like the game, I have it on pc and wanted to see again if I can play on my android, I hope this can help even a tiny bit about the android situation.

PD: I'm still learning English sorry if some sentences are weird :v