Latest version did start, and I was able to go through the character customization, but as soon the game is expected to let me dive in, it ends up in 'black screen'. Cursor reacts and is moving, but the game won't budge. Eventually my OS asks me to "force quit" due "did not respond for longer time".
I am on Ubuntu.
Recent community posts
So far all works fine. Game is much richer on content.
Very minor quirk: during party creation, 2 extra skills do apply for all 4, and to avoid this, one must select them from 1st down to 4th, in exact order. Otherwise changes might apply to unwanted character (like changing 2nd skill to BOW for 2nd char will add bow to 3rd and 4th, overwriting their selection)
Other funky quirk: pressing F5 - quick save, leaves the viewing are like this (but it can be fixed by pressing ESC and then returning to game)
not sure if it is only me, but description pop-up is off the screen and not readable.
BTW, this is LINUX version, I am running.
Shout out to devs, for mentioning KIM.COM
Love the new "Panda" faction.
Resources on / near the shores cannot be taken. Not from the sea, also not from the land.
Once I've encountered a ship near a ship yard, but the ship was on land, not on the sea (I could board it, but could not move, as expected, so I had to unboard again)
Steam Key distribution requires original email to confirm purchase, but the email I used back then, is now gone. Never mind, I prefer having it this way, so the Steam version is not needed at all.
At the end of Zombie quest in Lumberhill, I want to search for the lost girl i the woods, but I am stopped with "I should get a collar first"
Where can I get a collar?
I was looking at and didn't find conclusive solution.
.ca -> Hey, is mounted police still trampling over peoples' heads up there?
I would blame the location - that is used by default...
AppData is extremely sensitive under Windows. And hence any HDD activity there is pretty restricted by default.
Would be worth a try changing the install location to something like C:\Games\Heros-Hour\ and see if the save/load issue persists.
At least on my Win 8.1 x64 Pro - Anything under AppData works badly.