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A member registered Aug 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Development on SOS is done because the backend of the game is terrible, but a (somewhat) sequel is in the works. All of that is coming and more, just under a different context.

The backend for SOS is terrible. I never intended it to be a long term project, and as such I cut a lot of corners in development to make it easier for me in the short term.

Primarily, the main element of the game, the political decision trees, are implemented horribly and it takes too long to add new decisions to the game. 

Believe me, what I have cooking up is going to make this look like nothing in comparison with another year of experience + everything I learned from SOS.


Major update 2 will never be released, but that's not to say I've given up on spirits of steel as a whole. No promises, but I am definitely working on something.

Yes. It's spelled that way in the game, I just misspelled it in the post.

Great job! I know the game tends to get very micro heavy when going up against large nations, so this is cool to see.



If you go into the political decision tree and press a/d it'll go into the military tech tree. Though, I should note that the military tech tree was never fully implemented so it doesn't actually do anything.

Yeah, I've seen this before, I just don't really know the cause of it. Make sure that you have the most up to date version of the game (major update 1) and maybe try redownloading it. If that doesn't work, I'll look more into it. If you could share the error message with me, that would be great.

Yeah, (and tbh most of the major nations have the same political tree) it mostly has to do with the way that political trees are coded and how it takes so long to add new decisions to the game. I'm looking into ways of replacing the old system with something a little more dynamic, though it will be completely different to the current one. It won't ever come to this game, but maybe for a future project.

If I remember correctly, it's italy, belgium, czechia, netherlands, switzerland, and austria. It's been a long time since I made this game though, so I'm not 100% sure.

Thanks. I'm just curious about where the name Manchugo comes from. I know the area is currently called Manchuria, however, I believe that it was called Manchukuo while under Japanese occupation.

Honestly, while doing research for the game it was shockingly difficult to find information on china from after the fall of the Qing dynasty to the end of the Chinese civil war.

Hello, sorry but the way I made the game makes it impossible to be played on webbrowser, at least to my knowledge. I don't think that chromebooks can run executables, so it may be that you just won't be able to play the game.

Very sorry about that, I'll try to keep that in mind for future projects.

Great game, 10/10, literally cured my crippling depression. 

Sorry, but at the minute I'm not planning any updates for this game beyond bug or quality of life fixes. I spent a long time working on this and I want to take what I learned along the way to make an even better future project. Not to say it won't happen, it's just unlikely.

Thanks for the feedback. Originally, I was going to make the divisions spawn in a city that you chose within in your territory, and default to a random placement if all of your cities were taken.

Also, I agree with the idea of the unit movement feeling clunky as I didn't do a whole lot of testing with other people for the first update. I tend to go with what works best for me until I receive feedback, and that clearly wasn't a great choice.

I can definitely see how these issues would majorly affect the quality of the game, and I'll look into making a patch to fix it.

Thank you

I'm not going to lie, I haven't done as much as I wanted to with this update, as I worked over the summer. Though, I have gotten it to a point where I would consider it a completed game, so I'll likely release it sometime this week.

You press space. I just realised I didn't add that to the controls.

I have no problems with that, as a matter of fact, I really appreciate it.

There is no way to make your own political tree without me giving out the code for the game, which I'm not willing to do. I've never really thought about restructuring the game so that it could be through a text file or something, though I might look into it. No promises, of course.

With the new update I've made the current default tree larger, but I was also thinking of adding something like a unique tree for axis and allied minor countries. It would depend on if I could find enough stuff to add to both trees.

The game felt extremely laggy, however, the browser and 3D games don't mix too well, especially on a weaker system. You mention how disappointed you are with the final project, but for me the purpose of a game jam is to try out new ideas / software with heavy time restraints. So with that being said, both building a 3D game for the first time while using a new game engine is impressive enough on it's own. Don't beat yourself up too much and keep at it.

Great game! I love the art style and the concept. All three upgrades feel equally important in order to survive. If expanded upon, I would like to see a larger map; as the current one feels cramped (unless that was what you were going for), as well as more interesting enemy ai / more enemies. However, with the time restraint you did great!

Cool concept. If this game gets expanded on I'd like to see hotkeys for swapping between the different dice but other than that, no real complaints.

Great game 10/10 literally cured my crippling depression

Definitely needs work (especially in movement and art) but I'm excited to see where this project goes!