I buy all your games to support you and I really like games like (Sunkissed) or (Refuge Road Trip) when will you release games like that?
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I think most of us chose the CCTV one because it's more the style we like to watch, not because it's the father but because there's action between the family, although I would prefer it to be the son who corrupts them and also participates because it would only be ntr, which is not very much to my liking. I could have chosen (The Coffee Business) but the artistic style like that of (Seashell Whispers) we didn't like as much.
The truth is that it sounds quite entertaining and adding a lot of content to each character I think is better than adding little content to many characters. For my part, I would like to see scenes of people who are asleep or unconscious and take advantage of the situation, such as adding pills to the drink or getting drunk.
I know it's too early to ask but would you have some idea of how long it would be until the next game or an approximate percentage of preparation you are at?The truth is I think he has access to the previous games but the ones that are free since the rest are paid because now he lives off that income I think that if we help him he will be able to make more titles and as a fan. of your games I will buy them so you can continue creating new ones
The truth is, I always look forward to your games and I admire them a lot,
but this time I can't say the same about this last one, it's not a criticism,
but I was expecting something similar Seashell Whispers, Housewife, refuge-roadtrip.
I know it takes a long time to prepare the games and all the codes but I would love for you to create something similar to those games
I still support your creations because I know you are a good content creator, you will be impatiently waiting for the new titl
¿Hola cómo estás? Soy un comprador frecuente de sus juegos. La verdad es que me encanta la mecánica y el estilo artístico que lleva. Me gustaría que pudieras hacer un juego con más historia o con más caminos por recorrer pero con la misma temática impresionante de tu trabajo.
Lo siento mi ingles es que mi idioma es el español y uso el traductor de google jeje
tus mejores juegos son
Dias Desesperados - como la mejor de todas aunque me hubiera gustado mas imagenes con la madre
Ama de casa - Muy bien, aunque todavía no he avanzado mucho.
Refugio Road trip - el primero de todos con quien te conocí y me encantó muy mal no puedo pasar el punto final para que el hijo y la madre tengan sexo
RecienDivorciados - y este ultimo muy bueno solo que lo vi con poco contenido
Realmente amo tus juegos y los compro todos para apoyarte porque me gustaría que siguieras creando más pero por favor si puedes hacer un juego con más historia te lo agradecería mucho