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A member registered Nov 18, 2022

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FWIW, I had a newborn child when I was writing this. He was colicky and would wake and cry if I put him down. So I wrote a lot of this with a slumbering baby on my chest.

He is now in his thirties, a Columbia law school graduate, and clerks for the last liberal justice in the Fifth Federal Circuit (governing Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi) where he spends much of his time writing dissenting opinions to decisions by the most conservative federal court in the natiion.

Huh... well, thanks. A web version for MadMaze has existed for many years, but it was created back in the day when Mozilla and IE were your only browser options,  and IE was more fully featured then, so it  wouldn't let you play if, say, you were running Chrome or Firefox. So for a long time most people couldn't play, because what rational human being would use IE?

Glad to see this accessible again, and since this was work for hire, if you're violating anyone's IP, it isn't mine, and I could care less.

FWIW, Eric Goldberg and I are working together again (as we have done periodically through our career), now at Playable Worlds, where we are working on an as-yet unannounced MMO.