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A member registered Mar 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey everyone,

Posted before, but want to now narrow down to some details:)

I've started and worked on many projects (Which i never finish....). And I want to try working on some together with a person/team. I don't want to focus on monetisation, grand releases, etc. I want to focus on fast prototyping, trying and getting to like per-Alpha!:) I observe how many projects start from a dive into writing a lot of theory about the game and since thinking and writing is actually a fun and easy way - the complexity just keeps growing and the curve to get to the proto gets steeper and steeper.

If anyone is interested to crank out protos using existing assets of one of these concepts - lets get in touch:

  • 2D HOMM-like game 
  • 3D FPS Waves shooter (waves of enemies) - focus on gunplay a bit - blow off limbs...etc:)
  • 3D TDS Waves shooter 
  • 2D multiplayer like Soldat (focus on practicing multiplayer stuff)
  • 3D Space shooter with randomly generated locations (nothing new - tons of stuff like this - but why not - space is cool)
  • 3D Third person Melee fight (have some great assets for character animations) = focus not on level or anything, but more like boss fights with your hitting/kicking/jumping skills:) different colliders on the boss, different dmg, etc. etc. some skill shots maybe.
  • hame plenty more:) Lets chat.

p.s. when i mention 3D - I am a huge fan of anything low poly:) partially also due to the simplicity of working with low poly and not getting sucked into perfecting hyper realistic textures/shaders etc.

Don't want to get stuck on assets too much. No need for perfect stuff for prototyping. I think quick protos can show if you are falling more and more in love with that idea, or you see that it's not as exciting, or even viable to become a game. But also - prototyping is learning:)  

Get in touch and let me know which concept you like to try and what your thinking on how we start?

Discord:  geekbeard#5430

Sent you the request:) just in case: geekbeard#5430

(2 edits)

I love 2D and I want to practice more and bring a project to an end:) working with someone motivates me more and keeps me focused.

i have been toying around with some thoughts about 2D projects like:

  • platformer with a storyline (I even kinda started on it)
  • Multiplayer platformer action shooter
  • Top down battle royal (yep.... I don’t now if that’s viable but would love to try)

These are just directions:) if you have an idea and would love to team up to try something - ping me:)

Discord: geekbeard#5430

Ps. Not asking for money or targeting any substantial gain. 

I might be interested:) I am not a pro with a lot of titles under my belt, but can make a good 2D/3D game in Unity. Depending on how complicated you want the gameplay to be:) I also already have tons of assets that can be used.

Love the graphics!:)) seriously! and sound fx!!:))

Love that it pertains one style in every aspect of the gameplay!

Ok:) actually I used Phaser example to check the frames and animations:)

Hi Sam:) Bought these and other tiles from you! very nice!

but having a bit of trouble figuring out which ones are used for which animation. Especially some movement frames:(

Do you happen to have something for a reference?

fixed that:) late but still:)

I used assets from :)

thanks:) fixed the walls btw:)

:( was rushing and in the end forgot collides in the walls:(

thanks for trying:)

yep))) found it too after playing it here:)))) thanks:)

Submitted:) I have to say...the more I worked on it - the more stuff I wanted to add/change... and I questioned more what it should be:)
Anyways - even though it's silly and small, it exhausted me since I'm far from a pro game dev:)

Final run for to the end result!:)
Streaming now:

The theme has so many ways to be interpreted!:)

I decided to fool around with packing food in a dorky way:)

You can watch me work on it live here. Any ideas, suggestions, thoughts are welcome:) the whole project is done with the free assets - will share it when done.

Hi, I've being learning and practicing developing games for a couple years now. Working with Unity mostly, lately got into RPG Maker (MV).

Can work with 3D (FPS / TPS) in Unity. Love 2D though! Love the pixel art aesthetics!:) 

I want to find some people to work with on a project (more) to keep motivation and focus. I have close to 50 game projects started and dropped mid way because it just gets too much to do it all yourself (art + game design + coding). I suck at art!:) but usually leverage a lot of assets from here or unity store:) so it's survivable :)

One of the next projects I'm interested is - to try and make a pixel art dungeon crawler in Unity. Yes, not very original, however I want to just do it end to end, releasing it. Even if it's not going to blow the minds, I want that for my sanity of accomplishments:)

From the 3D world - I would love to make some horror game. Some jump scare or smth:) Slender-ish maybe... Dark need to escape something... 


I got inspired by the level Ashtray Maze in the game Control (finished it on PS4) -

It has this dynamic maze in the house with walls moving, etc. etc. Very much "House of Leaves" inspired:) I would love to do something like that. No shooting - just getting through the dynamically shaping environment. 

Anyways, I'm generally open for anything. If you are looking for some practice or need someone to help you out with some Unity work - let me know:)