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A member registered Mar 12, 2018

Recent community posts

What if we, as a community, got involved in "pushing" the game to the Men at arms YouTube channel ( and suggest that they make a weapons and maybe a shield from the game? This might get more ppl interested and help drive up the Patreon support?


(1 edit)

the door do not disappear,  I got turned around. It would seem that the door close to the lake does not open at all. I stood in front of it for 24hours (in game).

wow!,  I was standing at the door close to the lake at "the darkest hour". The door, along with the crate I had disappeared in the dark,  just gone. I followed the mountain wall towards the mine. There is a place right up against the wall that looks like a texture glitch,  like a piece of terrain is missing. I walked in to it, fell through the world -or so I thought- and landed at the alter in the church!! :O

I would guess that they all open at the same time...trying it out as I'm writing...

I have tried to place all points in INT and hammering while press in CTRL, noting happens.

In the video you say that you haven't  found a way to glitch in to the mine. Do you mean the door? The one in the mine? Because I discovered today that the door is open during the darkest part of the night,  when your lantern are least effective (need medium settings to see this)

So the "bleak Colors" might be a settings issue.

I tried the x32 version on my x64 win10. It didn't solve any problems but it created a few :P

I'm still unable to get  the "minigame" to work so I guess the INT-stat is a waste for the time being.

That happens to me as well. Break the shield on anvil and assemble again. If that doesn't work trie to make a new wooden part.

Woorked for me.

WIN 10, 8GB Ram, 64-bit, NEVIDA GeForce 940M, DirectX 12

MLBS 0.0.9e

1. I don't get the Quality "minigame" when pressing shift(or ctrl) when Pickaxe is heated.

2. Colors on screen has become "bleek", wooden textures are now pink-ish

3. when I installed first time it tried to download files for DirectX 2.5? I think :S and it aborted when unable, is this why I have problems?
