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A member registered Jan 23, 2021

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Skill issue

Great game, now i can't wait for this to be worked on further, map design is good but the atmosphere is kind of the same all the way through, would love to see different tilemaps and actual buildings instead of block encased maps, and less clutter, too many objects get in the way of walking and moving, it would be fine if there were more variarion. No more complaints, go read the other comments, this is awesome.

very very nice, whish there were more levels tho

the turtle will eat you by its neck while spamming bullets on ya, just a very frustrating bug, but this game is incredible,  i can already imagine so much lores, imagine a procedurally generated world where youll never get where you just were, some undergound sea where danger luks in the shadows, oh so much potential, dont trow this opportunity away

i downloaded the game and when i play it is much much slower than the trailer, seeing that the only way to change raphics being resolution\aspect ratio, i want to know the best performing settings, does it need to be in fullscreen or not? and so on.