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A member registered Jan 17, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you had a good time and now that I think about,yes,the controls do feel a little too "snappy",if there's a word for that.I'm not too good at physics,but I'll definitely look into it more and hopefully inplement better movement in the next jam!

I didn't add any health regeneration mechanism and I agree with you with the levels being hard in the begining,I'll probably try to add a tutorial next time and see how that turns out.

Well,there were a lot of features that I wanted to add initially,but I tried to maintain a sizeable goal given my current skillset.

I focused more on making a working game than polishing the existing mechanics,since I think I could've taken a better aproach at inplementing them,but I guess that's a task for GWJ65.

I am glad to hear this,i will keep your advkce in mind and add the ability to set custom keybinds next time.