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A member registered 76 days ago · View creator page →

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Hello, I see your point about that. This is a very early version of the game so many mechanics and features are missing. I see your point and i  should be more clear in the future that the game is in a alpha or beta like stage. Regarding your point on the browser verson i have heard prior complaints on this and i will make the browser version better and easier to access. Thank you for trying the game out and letting me know what to improve on. have a great day :)

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Hello! yes, i am working on a web version for the game. The reason for the readme and stuff is because the html is a prerelease version. This also explains why some features dont work. Thank you for this feedback and i will work on ironing out and being more clear in the future. 

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Hey, I posted the prerelease for the major 1.2 update! Not everything is done yet, but the release is in beta. If you want, you can download the HTML file. Test it out and tell me if there's anything to improve in. Have a Great Day! :D

hi i make a game called geobuild lol

Thank you! I will be releasing a tester build very soon so stay on the lookout for that

Sorry for bad grammer lol, i cant spell

Sure! downloads are posted on the site. Note: Windows 7 or newer only is supported. but the scratch files are also posted for open use (modding and whatnot). The game is sort of like a block building game. Blocks can be placed from a drawer and cloned. Eventually, i will add more custimazation, survival mode and perhaps even online play. Thank you so much for the support! i hope your dev journey goes well.

Also, Thank you so much for the follow! I really appricate the support

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Thank you for the suggestion. To my knowledge, i belive i am using turbowarp but if there is something im missing, you can let me know. Thanks for the support and comment!

Thank you so much for this! i will be releasing a new update soon for the game. Thanks for all the love and support.

Thanks for the support man, i see myself adding that in the futere. I perhaps may add a download and a web version as well so you can choose which one to play

god bless

Thanks man, Appreciate it

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I am currently developing a block game using scratch turbowarp. The game is in active devlopment (Alpha) but i would like feedback on what features i could add/new gamemodes etc. the game can be found here: Please note, for now only windows (7 or later), mac and linux are supported Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Have a happy new year and Peace!

Hi! I am a former Scratch user who now is trying to rewrite my scratch games into a new seires. Its this game called Geobuild! it kind of sucks right now but i am planning and working on some big updates for my game! The game does require a download which only supports windows (7 or above). but anyway if you want, you can check it out. Please leave feedback so i can improve my game!