Hello, I see your point about that. This is a very early version of the game so many mechanics and features are missing. I see your point and i should be more clear in the future that the game is in a alpha or beta like stage. Regarding your point on the browser verson i have heard prior complaints on this and i will make the browser version better and easier to access. Thank you for trying the game out and letting me know what to improve on. have a great day :)
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Sure! downloads are posted on the site. Note: Windows 7 or newer only is supported. but the scratch files are also posted for open use (modding and whatnot). The game is sort of like a block building game. Blocks can be placed from a drawer and cloned. Eventually, i will add more custimazation, survival mode and perhaps even online play. Thank you so much for the support! i hope your dev journey goes well.
I am currently developing a block game using scratch turbowarp. The game is in active devlopment (Alpha) but i would like feedback on what features i could add/new gamemodes etc. the game can be found here: https://geosmashgames.itch.io/geobuild Please note, for now only windows (7 or later), mac and linux are supported Thank you for taking the time to read my post! Have a happy new year and Peace!
Hi! I am a former Scratch user who now is trying to rewrite my scratch games into a new seires. Its this game called Geobuild! it kind of sucks right now but i am planning and working on some big updates for my game! The game does require a download which only supports windows (7 or above). but anyway if you want, you can check it out. Please leave feedback so i can improve my game!