We are talking to a great lawyer and we are about to get reg D then reg A+.
George Weiksner
Recent community posts
We created Quarters to prevent people from losing coins when they don't want to play a game and our cryptocurrency allows you to play with the same wallet in multiple games. Our sites dev.pocketfulofquarters.com and dev.pocketfulofquarters.com/developers.
We have special features that make it better. USD has legal problems. Check out dev.pocketfulofquarters.com/developers.
If you want to see our developer docs they are here https://weiks.github.io/quarters-docs/.
Also, here's the diff that shows how we integrated Quarters. https://github.com/weiks/heal-em-all/commit/aea5dfb334d71a464fb2a7115d777e7e574f06ad
How can we push this forward?
I have created a cryptocurrency for games if any of you are interested in the start-up idea please email me at george@weiksner.com. Also check out the website dev.pocketfulofquarters.com.