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Joseph Abell

A member registered Apr 04, 2015 · View creator page →

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Use Chrome! Or, if you use firefox, don't press the space key unless you are in an input box, otherwise you will scroll down the page, and you cannot scroll back up!

if music doesn't play the first time, reload. sometimes, my database doesn't like to assign you a user first time round.

I may have got 0 correct button presses. ah well. The presentation looks great, I really like what you managed to pull off.

You were robbed, duder, you were at least top three. I keep coming back to play thi game.

I'm pretty happy with my results considering it was my first game. :)

@kewlsnake I'll be honest that wasn't the tone I was aiming for, but I'll take it. :)

I couldn't figure out how to shoot. I'm using a macbook pro, I'm not sure if it liked the trackpad. I'm not going to rate the game until I try another computer. Looks cool though. :)

@Isiah Kelly, I've got a new windows version installed, can't test it though, let me know if it is still broken. :)