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A member registered Jan 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I made all the models from scratch and I'm pretty happy with them :D

tysm <3

I liked it! it was a cool concept, and while unfinished, i know you srambled it together in the last few days, so good job on getting this far haha. I liked Pixel, and having to option to use her like a bar of soap was funny lol. Oh, and i thought the condom was hilarious haha

lol thanks <3

haha thanks :) it kind of fell apart with the team a few days in, but i managed to scrape something together in the end, and who knows, maybe ill keep working on it :)

A fun game, very well put together. The randomized colours of the people was a nice touch. I did find it a little confusing at first, and had to read the description a few times before i really got the controls, but once i got it i managed to beat it with just 2-3 upgrades and no right clicks. Other than that, the idea was interesting, the gameplay was unique, i think you did well :D

probably something i'll add in the future, the project is essentially on haitus at the moment

hey there! played your game and its looking good so far! the animations and overall vibe are very good. i have a few notes however, 

first off, the levels can be a little annoying to traverse, for example sometimes the hitboxes for the platforms dont match up with the sprites, and there were a few problems with the bounce mushrooms, such as a point where it was directly in the middle of a hole with 2 chests inside, making it difficullt to get to the chests without just bouncing up and down on it, or when it seems to line up for a row of floating coins, but just throws you into the ceiling spikes.

another thing is that enemies can be a little annoying to fight, theres essentially no warning when theyre gonna attack, so its quite hard to avoid, but they also seem to die really easily as well, leaving a not very satisfying fight. i know its still early in development, but id think about improving that :)

those are the most glaring issues i found, but i loved playing it, and am excited to see where it goes :)

its hard to believe, i know

im glad you liked this very early version so far :D

ive been feeling a little burnt out wiht this project recently, but i may update it soon, so watch out for that whenever it happens :)

and having the poses advance as you go on does sound like a very fun idea, will absolutely keep that in mind :)

hey there! Glad you're enjoying the game so far :D

There is currently only one weapon in the game, and everything about it, from it's sprites to it's actual function, is currently a placeholder, which is why the item rooms don't work at the moment either. I'm planning to update the textures of that and the bullets in the future :)

Enemy designs are still kind of early, I have a few but they haven't been properly drawn or thought out, but I will try to add more interesting ones in the future. 

I haven't got much in terms of story at the moment, but adding some humour is a good idea, I already have a framework for popup text so it shouldn't be too difficult to add haha.

All in all, it's still very early, but keep checking back and hopefully it'll become more like an actual game in the future:)

thanks again :D

It may be a few days before 0.0.5, as I'm going to essentially just add more content, more sprites, animations, rooms etc, and maybe even finally add more guns. But yeah, message over discord any time and I'd be happy to talk about anything 

thanks for even more feedback about my game :D

im planning to add a big boss room in the future, thats one of the rooms with a coloured square at the moment, im just planning on leaving that until the rest of the gameplay is really solid.

more weapon types are also (hopefully) coming, as well as a story potentailly, although i dont have much for that yet lol.

Ive actually just published a new version of the game, theres not much different, pretty much just a minimap and coins dropping, but thats something at least :D

Really appreciate it man, I'm going to try and update tomorrow probably? So stick around to see what I've changed :D

thanks for all this feedback, i really appreciate it :)

its still very early in development, so im glad that youre enjoying the game at least somewhat, and i have been trying to think about ways to make it unique. I like the idea of weapon durability, and only having a few limited weapons and having to manage that would be interesting. 

Im probably going to update relatively often, at least for the first few weeks, so stick around and let me know if you think i should add or change anything :)

I have released a (very early) version 2.0 of this project! check it out here!

Hey guys, not been many updates for a while, but i am slowly working on rewriting a lot of the code for this game, and just generally making it better and less broken. who knows, maybe one day it'll even not look like a poor tech demo!

not currently, but thinking I may come back to it soon and re haul the entire thing and make it actually good

At the moment nsfw content is limited but once the gameplay loop is more finished the nsfw content will be added onto

Hi there, currently there's no cheat settings or character settings as its early in development, but later on I'm planning to add a difficulty slider and some sort of character creator/selector system :)

Thanks! :)