Thank you very much for your feedback! We've already found what's causing the crash and will update the game with the fix as soon as the voting on the jam ends.
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Hello! Many thanks for your feedback. We've had some issues with completing the game so that is why it's much more undercooked than we planned to. We will add a more detailed description for controls and how to play in a while. But to answer your questions - You are an evil wizard who is defending against waves of slimes. However, you were cursed and this curse forces you to destroy your own towers. That is also how to game gets more difficult. So you have to destroy your towers between waves, but you also can risk and buy a new random tower on a free tower slot. You can't destroy it in the same erase phase if you don't like it though, you have to play with it at least one round. Also, after barely managing to submit before deadline, we found out that the balancing is real off - we are going to solve that asap though, so players can have smoother and more challenging experience. It was our second game jam so we really appreciate your comment!