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A member registered Mar 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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super nice that u added faces to the shapes, and that they r coaches. rlly cool tbh. but i didn't understand what to do. I read to press 1 2 3 4 but wud I didn't get it.

is nice because i make it to the end first try!! i like mechanic it's like mario. good job i think is a winning game but only bad thing is mYbe theme and geometric not so much

it freeze like retro says

i like the idea but to wait 5 minutes is longnand it took me a bit to find out how to mine. but tower defense is amazing genre so happy to see it here

did not make it very farnn don't understand 

i don't understand. is correct i cannot die? just go to end and win the level? 

i think is maybe the best game for jam. top winner

actually the brakeys was 1 week so double time 

i just started with unity and amveri happy to have joined and not even be last. but i thought we had to make a game from beginning? because the number 2 winner has reused the game. isn't that what is a gamejam to do for

one thing is really nice and thats the art style. for next gamejam maybe you can work on gameplay a bit more, and graphics a bit less. balance it out a bit

really nce game. maybe a bit buggy but i think it was fun to play. its almost like the game superhot

i finish the game. i really liked level 5 where you have to fall in order to win. i think maybe some people will not like the graphics but i thought the meditation guy when you both hit eachother was super nice. when i jump and they hit eachother, and meditiation guy floats in the air its so cooll. good job, super good rating from me.

ah and maybe add backgroudn music nex t time

i gave you alot of points on the fun because i think its so fun to shoot with the gun. very nice and satisfying. some bugs here like you shoot a bread from a distance and they just stand do nothing. but i really liked the game and give you many good points. i think you should be in top 5

i really liked the faces of the cubes! very funny. nice to do a speedrun. i dont think you did anything with the theme. but thts ok. did u make the background music yourself because i thought it was very fitting and ncie. good job 

super fun to play tbh. nice that the game was short and didnt go on forever. i like how the charakters move. original too.  maybe next time work more on graphics but overall very good

game is a bit hard to control sometimes. the floating pet doesnt go where i plan it to go so its a bit too bad. like cubular said also, some better graphics would make also a big difference. but i think sfx was good. i thiunk this good be a really good game if you put more time in it after this gjamejam

nice game. i dont think it fits the theme because they're not really linked together but more swapping together. graphics are very nice. maybe a bit too much shiny. i do think it is very original and fun so thats where i will give you the most points. 

this must be the most original game in this jam! i would never have think of a walking dogs game. really really cool. and so nice in 3d. maybe a bit hard to control but i made it. you definitely have amazing points at originality, use of theme, and fun.

amazing graphics and audio. very well done. i understand that you used different dimensions as theme but im not very convinced it suits well. game was fun, but i think you could have added some more twists to it. overall fun, impressive in 72 hours, and i am pretty sure you will reach the top 3 (if not 1)

i just played the game. it says on the game page you also had it for brackeys gamejam so i think thats a bit too bad. not so original you know. also i didnt feel like freeze was very benifiting. just shoot. i liked the concept but i think you can do much better. your graphics are fantastic and audio good too

i can do that. my game is crap so dont worry about that. just joined for the fun

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i played some other games now and this one is super nice with the ragdol. i liked it super good fgor all the ratings like fun and audio. maybe next time make it that it changes levels after a hwile like in jetpack joyride.

Almost only 24 hours left and I have not done any thing XD XD XD