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A member registered Oct 16, 2020

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I'm glad to hear that the dev team is continuing to work hard on the VN. It has some of the best writing and art of any VN I've read, and it'd be a shame to give up on it because some jerks won't stop harassing you all. Wishing the team the best!

Mate, take a deep breath - things are going to be ok. It's totally fine to not like a change in art style, and you are perfectly entitled to express that opinion and to no longer want to play the game.

But calling an update to the visual style of a game a "backstabbing" and celebrating "being a pain in [the developer's] ass" is taking things too far. Contrary to what you claim in your post, you are the one who needs to address the issue like an adult.

You are not the only person in existence to disagree with a change in direction for the development of a game. That happens all the time, and it's never as personal as you are taking it. Ultimately, the game belongs to the developer, and they are going to execute their vision for the game to the best of their abilities - you aren't entitled to keep things a  certain way just because you previously supported the project.

Of course it's unfortunate when this happens - it's never fun to see changes to a project that you don't agree with - but this level of outrage is unwarranted and off-putting. You've obviously made your opinion known, so now just stop interacting with this project entirely. Stop harassing the developer and stop leaving rants on the comment pages. Try to forget about the project entirely - I promise you'll be less stressed if you do.

To Keo, I'm honestly pretty ambivalent about the sprite updates, but I do hope that you don't let people like the one I'm responding to get to you.

Another great update! The conversation at the beginning of the day feels a little direct, but it does fit Lily's characterization, as well as the general pacing of the plot. It was great learning a bit more about Wallace's past and seeing another side of Leigh (the CGs were fun too), and I'm looking forward to next month's build!

My minor nitpick this month is that when Oscar tells Wallace to "Breath for a moment", it should say "Breathe".

I'm sorry to hear that you were sick; that's nothing you need to apologize for! Wishing you good health in the months ahead!

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Really love this game! It's incredibly well-written and I love the art!

I did want to point out that the rat starts out as Victor/Vicky in the autoshop but is Vincent/Vinny in the shelter scene. Also, Leigh is currently the person saying "Yeah, he's just being a stick in the mud...", but it should be Charlie.

Looking forward to the next release!

Tate's storyline made me tear up. Granted, I'm a total sap, but it was still really well-written. Honestly, his chapter 1 could have been his entire storyline for the game and it would have been satisfying, so I can't wait to see what comes next.

Also, Ollie's a total cutie, but I can't bear to hurt Tate

I'm enjoying this game so far, and think the art is nice. Looking forward to future days! :)

Well, Xevvy just posted a screenshot on Twitter of a chapter select page with “Dom, Axel, and Russell”, so I’m starting to think there isn’t going to be a choice.

Hmm. I'm not super interested in having sex with Russell, so I was a bit disappointed to see that doing so is mandatory on the Axel/Dom route.

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At the very beginning of the revisited project, I was a bit lukewarm on the changes. However, at this point I'm pretty happy with the art updates, and the route updates making them less "WTF?".

There's still a few points which would benefit from an addition of a flag in the code to help prevent repetition of dialog. Also, as an avid soccer player/fan myself, most of the soccer dialog in the game makes me cringe (genuine offer: feel free to contact me if you want to discuss the soccer stuff further).

I did want to ask whether there would be an option for Kyouji/Soutarou poly route in the finished game? I get the vibe they'll be separate routes only, even though the route selection during the camping trip does group them together for the time being. I know there'd be a ton of additional work involved, for potentially not much payoff, but I do think their established dynamic is cute and a poly route wouldn't feel all that out of place.

I'd like to start by saying that I enjoy the game so far, and I'm looking forward to the Axel/Dom route.

That said, I did find the conversation with Tai at the start of the route a little dense. To be clear, I saw your response to Watery Zen, and my comment doesn't concern the structure of the route - I'm totally fine setting things up in the first few days. I just found my attention lapsing a bit during the conversation. Obviously Tai is a loquacious character, and I wouldn't want you to change that, but perhaps a couple more lines of MC's thoughts or observations somewhere in the middle could break things up a bit.

To finish up the comment, this was my first time playing since the UI update, and things look really nice!