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A member registered Nov 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Like I said, each chapter/episode will have guest(s) and the tags in each may vary. The "Experiment" is conceived to be a multi-season sex comedy series and there will be plot lines, cliff hangers, twists and turns that will feature some/all of the tags you mentioned.

All bets are off at this point in time. The playable content so far introduced the main cast and what I can tell you is that each episode will feature a guest or guests that may involve acts that could affect endings (or beginnings) of each chapter/episode. At least for now that is the intent.


Sorry, can't reveal this info. Only gold and platinum patrons have access to spoilers. You can influence how the series progresses if you like but your financial support is needed. The story and I will be here for the long term.

Please download the latest 0.2.2 version to get around this. It seems that certain platforms still do not recognize the .svg image format.

I reuploaded the .zip file just to be sure. Please try again.