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A member registered 53 days ago · View creator page →

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Hey there, the game my brother and I did is called WHY IS IT RISING??? Hope you have fun :)

Hey there, the game me and my brother did is called WHY IS IT RISING???, hope you have fun :)

Thank you so much for the reply!!

We definitely were banging our heads together to come up with the overheating theme. We came up, as you said, with all the lava stuff but also with the jump mechanic, the idea was to "overheat" the jump if you used it to much but because of the time constraint we wouldn't have time to perfect the level design around it.


Thanks for the review :)

Thanks for the reply, we've actually updated the game so there is a  minimum amount of jump (while also solving some other bugs) we'll put that version up when the jam is finished :)

Thanks for the feedback :)

Do you mean adding coyote time or a jumping buffer?

Cool game, make sure to rate my game too :)

Really awesome game! :)

Hey :) 

My brothers and I game is WHY IS IT RISING???

Hope you enjoy it!!

Have fun! :)