yes we have to wait for public version
as far i know it's until 14 days
wait so day 7 limited ://
i just which that they will put the wedding of Amicus cuz it would be really a clip hanger
Couch Ghil kisses on Mr Parker day 7 ;-; why did couch ghil done that on his day 7 XD
so day 2 at mr parker and when it said mean while it showed this after
well oof i want more amicus and hooman i wanna see there official wedding qwq
does he have twitter or discord?
It gonna be on day 7 chill
well thats good to hear he is fine
weird i don't see Andeh twitter now...
ghil's day 7 X3
Well if the create send out another chance for the link of discord for public again...
man..i wonder if there would more than day 7... i wish there was...
oh rip before it was on public
anyone send the discord link i wanna join...