what a cliff hanger you ended episode 6 on
When you will release episode 7 I can't wait!!!!!!!
So I've reached the part of miss newman quest where she should spank debbie after chaughting her bullying lucy but I'm stuck there and I can't give make her reache the required humiliation to continue the story
And the random event in the didn't pop out since then I progressed a lot of days teaching and patroling but the only cutseen that give the chance to punish debbie is where the nurse comes ro class and do her thing
Bro I just finished playing the game and it's owsome I like the graphiqs the animation is good but some times it lages but it's ook and of course I won't forget the music it OP please release the next as soon as possible
And I have one question when you release the up-date should I just open the game and it will be up-dated by it self or should I unistall the game and download it from the beggining ?????
BTW I play on android