Do the have the Game for Android there?
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Wanted to Play the new Update but this keeps Happening after the First Fight,
I played the Game bevor on mobile and almost Beat it but the Update came and i wanted to See whats New so started playing it but it will Not Go past this Fight "on mobile Don't know of on PC! XD" when it workes again fun Game for mobile! with Hope GhosFox .. .
Just finished the First run there are some glitches i found the First is on the outpost you can get Out of bounds the second the Balls will reset wenn you Press the Crystal witch is good but If you are an idiot Like me you will finish the Puzzel on the right the restet it because why Not, and the second Ball is now an Inmovebel opject and you soft locked yourself, the Last thing is the Sound of the lasershoots at the end will Not Stop Till you die or win! But the Game was fun! XD
Just finished the Game was fun the fighting is okay, No Level system but fun, to many items Had at the end so many of the supers i did Not Need any of them, XD
But one Thing i have to say at the second Floor the Vent next to the boxes is Not really marked or Like you can't See it mabey its a mobile Thing thou, i found it Out of pure Anger because i started clicking all over. Thats the only Thing that really would have bin a Game ending Thing for me but the Rest was fun.
Tsdnr: was fun Just one Problem.
Just finished the Game that one Bug was only one i found and thanks for the quick Update! XD
Sad that i was so short would have Loved a longer Game it was fun and the Dungeons weren't to Bad some of the Puzzles Had my brain in a Zwist but to Bad.
Would have Loved longer Scene with the Girls and i Loved the "witch Girl"(Spoiler free) Twist would have Loved to Go all the way with Here! ;-)
Thanks for the Game and keep it Up! XD