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A member registered Dec 20, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thx! i will reflect on your suggestion!! i really would increase my effort into this because i am seeing that peole appreciate it, i hope that they increase in number in future.

You seem prepared on the topic.

Do you have published something?

I do not have a patreon and i can't write so many words in my (few) spare time, but do you think that someone would support me if i will ask?

It seems a reasonable schedule ;)

(1 edit)

Thx your message and people who subscribe in this months of zero-update i found the energy for a minor update.

I hope to restart to publish with regularity.

Thank you!!!

I'm glad you liked it, these comments motivate me to continue, so sure, I will continue.

In fact, just in these days a new update will be released ;)

Thank you!

I'm still at the beginning and I'm just introducing the main story, but there are still a lot of gameplay mechanics I'd like to implement as well as new characters coming soon, I hope you'll continue to follow me :)

Thank you for the feedback.

I will update it trying to develop my idea as soon as possible and on a regular basis if I see it being played with interest.