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Gianpiero Bozza

A member registered Dec 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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thank you so much for the feedback :)

Yes.. the jumping is really something I should have spent more time to polish, but on the last day I was still struggling to get the percentages on the procedural generation to work well. So in the end didn't have enough time/strength for the polishing phase :)

I'm looking forward to the next interesting game jam 🙂

thank you very much :)

Yes the jumping mechanic is the one that I wasn't totally happy with in the end.. and it's a shame because in an endless runners in one of the core mechanics. I'll follow your advice and also try to improve my pixel art skills at the same time, o really didn't know exactly what was I doing when drawing the animations, as you pointed out it's not professional :D

(1 edit)

Linux and Windows packages have been updated to contain the .pck file, beginners mistake, I should have checked that they worked before submitting to the jam

I re uploaded the packages for Linux/Windows and notified the organisers. We'll see if my submission is still valid for the jam, otherwise I'm happy anyways to have completed my project.

Thanks for notifying me that it didn't run, I should have checked! Beginners mistake :)

I re uploaded the packages for Linux/Windows and notified the organisers. We'll see if my submission is still valid for the jam, otherwise I'm happy anyways to have completed my project.

Thanks for notifying me that it didn't run, I should have checked! Beginners mistake :)

thanks for the feedback. I didn't know I had to upload that pck file as well for Linux and Windows.. I'll see if the organizers allow me to resubmit.. I should have checked after uploading.

oh.. that's a shame.. I didn't know I had to upload that file as well for Linux/Windows. Beginner mistake I guess.. I'll try contacting the organizers and see.. 

Thanks for the feedback 😊

Thanks to the organizers of the Jam because probably without it I would never have "completed" a game.

It's the first time I experience this feeling and I'm ecstatic! Even if the game is bad I'm super happy anyways :)

cheers! and Win the Best!

ps: this is my submission, any, and I mean it, ANY comment and criticism is super welcome.

I started today with Godot :)