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A member registered Apr 28, 2020

Recent community posts

can someone please tell me how to get to afterlife mode??? please??

hey so the web version isn't working?? like it's not loading at all, the downloaded version is fine but the web just won't start. is there a reason why?

game's intentions unclear; i would like to kiss the evil quiz entity now please.

its my personal head cannon dude...

 i made enid and wednesday!! #lesbains

(1 edit)

help!! i need to level up my cats experience but other than patrolling, idk how to do it!! does anyone suggest anything?

Yo, did you draw that?


Thank you! aaaaaa

Happy birthday to me~

Happy birthday to mee~

Happy birthday dear meee~

Happy birthday to me...

Did the Pigment challenge! Got the word "satisfied".


I made a gorl for the Maximum challenge (e)

Did the Maximum challenge! Here's my baby Agnus (Still unsure of the name)

I have ADHD as well.

I made Lu from Lu Over The Wall!

Lmao yes



This is your death. Accept it. Breathe it. B̞̝̙̮̼͍̱͈͚̑̅̊̈́̓̓̾͂͞Ŕ̡̘̪͉̺̹̗̞̓͋͌͌͗͆̋̓ͅḘ̡͚̪̙͓̹̺̔̈̋͂͋̉̆͛͊͢Ȁ̧̼͔̩̥̲̳̱̼̌̉͑̓̓̌̚͞T͓͎̫͉̰̫̼̹̈̀͒̉̊̓̔͜͡͝H̡̛̬̜̞͇̣̼͍̉͆̄́̌̓͆͘ͅ ̢̡͖̜̮̠͇̯͉͋̑͂̾̓̊͆͌̚I̧̟͍̫̼̱̲͈͈̿́̈̓́̇̌̚͡Ţ̬̺͇͕͉̮̘̻̾̿͋̔̂͘͘̚͝.̘̭͈̩̪͓͚̮̒̍̍̌̑̿̅͡͠ͅ


After hours of running, you see a wall ahead of you. Dead end. You jerk your body to stop, dust forming around your feet. Your breathing begins to slow and develop a normal pace. You can hear your heart beating.

Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

It's rhythmic lullaby soothes you, and you close your eyes to listen. Your legs tremble and shake like trees in the wind. Your knees ache. Your arms ache. Everything aches. The feeling of doom clouds over you, grasping at your shoulders, whispering in your ear. Your body parts begin to vibrate.


Your attention shifts to the noise. The dreaded cracking noise grows near, followed by the scratching of nails on the concrete. You were frozen, like a flower in mid-winter. The wind crashes into you, slightly pushing your frame off balance. Your legs buckle, and you fall. Your body makes impact with the ground, pain shooting into you like lightning. The noises grow closer.

You lift your body up, but gravity snatches your arms and slams them back down. You try again, and you succeed. But the feeling of victory washes away as you slowly turn your head to the figure behind you. 

(Slowed down yandere music plays in the background)

The 7 foot tall creature roars, the sound waves penetrating your ears. Your heart drops as you lay eyes on the bug-like being. Giant Claws and mandibles rest on it's body. Dried blood is painted over it's mouth and chest. The other mouths clash their teeth together as the main one uses it's tongue to lick it's lips.

The creature moves towards you with rage in it's eyes. The world fades away as it draws closer, every step snatching away more of your sanity. The feeling of dread wraps itself around you, causing your stomach to flip. Your body trembles as the creature clacked it's mandibles in a threatening motion. 

You realize that you are nothing but prey to this creature. You are going to die. And your fate is sealed to this malicious being. You can feel your blood rushing through your body. The creature is now 6 feet away from you. So far, but so close. You feel your body giving in. Adrenaline rushes through your body as your heart races.

Thump-thump. Thump-thump.

But this time it's not calming. This time you feel your mind slowly slip away. This time you feel a hot breath on your neck. This time you feel your body spasm, as pain shoots through you. This time..

You accept your death.