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Giant Light Studios

A member registered Oct 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yeah, this is a perfectly acceptable take :)

sounds like you got the full experience.

Hm, maybe your avatar felt compelled to twirl?

I still believe in you!!

Ah bummer. I am sorta pushing what should be done with webgl. Thanks for the bug report, really appreciate it. 

I did it!

I really like games where learning how it works is part of the challenge. The most I'd say for this one is 'click on doors, and try to figure out what's going on', but that's probably more annoying than helpful :D

ugh. Nope! didn't contribute to that at all. They actually have another clone of this game that is a little less shameless. Ah well, I'm at least confident that their work leaves them miserable and unfulfilled :)

I do think of them as all being part of some kind of extended universe. See also:


Fair enough!

Thanks for playing!


It's probably not a global conspiracy. You probably shouldn't look into it any further. It's probably fine. 🙂.

"What hath God wrought?"

Just gave it a quick attempt at being a lawfully abiding residential focused build. Failed horribly D: - Really good fun! Lots of depth, and really beautiful looking game. Love the aesthetic!

Thanks so much, I'm glad you liked it!

I believe in you! 

thanks so much!! Glad you enjoyed it! 

Click and drag the cards to things on the hex grid to play the cards on them. That should hopefully get you started, happy to give more hints as needed. Good luck!

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it!

hmm, strange that it would happen in both the browser and in the downloads. I haven't gotten any other reports like this. Are you using a controller, or keyboard? 

(1 edit)

Woo! Well Done! :D

That's so strange. Maybe try a different browser like Chrome or Firefox?

You gotta move the eye onto the circle labeled 'start' and then wait for the white outline to wrap around all the way.

I definitely am exploring some spiritual themes, and there are definitely some cult-y things happening, but I wouldn't say there is an explicit cult (at least not yet!)

oh no! I've noticed that it can take a while for some people, maybe just refresh the page and give it plenty of patience? What browser are you using?

Yeah, I think those are all fair criticisms. I wanted to do more, but ran up against my self imposed 3-month deadline. If I can secure some funding, I'd love to return to this and add lots more. Tell your publisher friends! :D

Keep experimenting, and I bet you'll figure it out!

Use it on anything on the board to learn more about them, get hints, read some Kate Bush lyrics, etc.

Metaprogression in roguelikes is the progress you make in between the individual runs. In some roguelikes, the metaprogression is sort of 'in the game' - you unlock upgrades or new items or something. A lot of people like that kind of thing! I prefer roguelikes where you get better by playing the game and improving your own skills/knowledge. In those types of games, the metaprogression is your own understanding and skill!

There is a way to unfreeze enemies, though I suppose it's possible you purged that away?

Ah, yeah, I suppose that can happen. Might be best to reload at that point.

Thanks so much for the bug report, it has to do with the order of events with the spore and Bad Eye. It's one that could potentially be a big pain to fix, so might just let it live until I have time to do a bigger update. Really appreciate the thorough bug report!

Also really appreciate the explanation of your technique. So much fun to watch the theorycrafting unfold!

Where's the fun in that?

Proud of you.


whoa! This is a really good score. What was your strategy? 


Thanks so much for posting your playthrough, incredibly helpful!!