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A member registered Oct 03, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey icefir :)

Send me a mail and we will talk about it 

Hey Dino, thanks !

Oh these labels were just weekly updates number I did on some of my first packages actually :). I don't post anything on Patreon

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Hey Sazini,

I understand, yeah, I only have a all-in-one on the Unity Store because it's much more difficult to maintain packages there.

Thanks ❤️ !

Hello :)

Nothing new, I've just updated the naming of the files and folder structure so it's easier for everyone (also removed empty files).

I'll add a change log in the description.

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Hey, full version has been updated, let me know if it's better for you :)

Hey mate, here is the cursor : 

Hey mate,

My bad I was away from itchio for a few days, I'm focusing on your issue this week, then will complete the remaining enemies :)

I'll send you the cursor soon 👍

Hey mate :)

Yeah I have a bunch of empty files that should not have been shipped with the full version. I'll take a look at it this week and make an update !

I don't think there are missing content tho, just additionnal empty files (resulting from  the automatic split of larger sheets)

Thanks, you too !

Hey max :)

No, probably not on this pack. I'm working on a 'hero pack' with 1 character but more animations tho

Hey yuri, 

Yes I don't want ppl to feed an AI model with my assets. You are fine using my assets in your project ☺️👍

Hey mate I'm fine, thx :)

My Steam packages are only a subset of all of my collection, and they are scaled (x2 and x3) to match rpg maker requirements. So it's not super easy to use them in another engine.

I can send you downloads keys for the itchio assets if you prefer (plain .png files). Just send me a mail at pixelart<dot>asset<at>gmail<dot>com

good luck with your project !

Hey :)

I'm using the same palette in every pack, with sometimes in-between colors for some sprites when I'm out of options.

You'll find the palette in most of the atlas.png files 👍

Great worldmap !

Yes you can edit the files as you want :)

Oki got your mail, I'll send you the keys later this week once I've updated the assets :)

Ok I'll update my assets soon with these autotiles for GameMaker.

I can send you download keys for free, don't worry about it (just send me a mail) ☺️👍

My assets are indeed prepared for rpg maker MZ :)

If you encounter any issue, let me know !

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My assets are indeed prepared for rpg maker MZ :)

If you encounter any issue, let me know !

No problemo :)

In the meantime, since you are using RPG Maker MZ, you can get a decent result like this (using _srw_overworld autotiles) :

I'll add more autotiles anyway soon, I know it's a big difficult to get a good result with multiple water levels and animated autotiles.

Hey Wynillo,

Thank you for your support :)

Oh it seems I miss some autotiles variations apparently. I'll fix that this weekend !

Btw, which game-engine are you using ?

Hey mate,

The interior package seems fine on my side. Can you show me the issue you encounter ? If you are talking about other packages, some have free version that include all assets with some being protected behind scanlines. This is to prevent stealing as well as showing what the full version is about.

I'll help you whatever the issue you have.

TOP #1 game assets let's goooo !

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Hey WaterAxolotlStudio

Most of my assets will be compatible with GM Studio 2 (single tiles) but there is indeed some work to do around the autotiles. Here is what I have made (autotiles format to match the GM template with 47 variations) :

I didn't managed the animated autotiles yet, but if you want to check above work, just send me a mail at pixelart<dot>asset<at>gmail<dot>com and I'll send you the files :)

Yes since these assets are just .png files. Do you need 3x3 autotiles ? Here (animated and single frame) : 

Hey mate sry I was not able to work on it last week. I try this week and reply here so you'll get a notification when it's rdy :)

Thanks PixelPlunderer :) enjoy !

hey mate, okidoki I'll try to take a look at it later this week.

okidac, here are some autotiles in 3x3 format (animated and single rame). The smooth water animation is included in the first animated autotile for now :

First I need to add that animation in an autotile (for godot and unity) to make it work with borders 

What engine are you using ? Maybe I can help 




Hey boss, nice assets ⚔️

I host a secret Discord for assets artists, wanna join ? We help each other grow, give some itchio tips and feedback.

Drop me a DM on Twitter (@gif_not_jif) if you are interested 🫡

Good day to you !

i can send you the current state of this pack so you can play with :) just hit me a mail at pixelart<dot>asset<at>gmail<dot>com 👍

Hey mate,

Thanks !

Well, it's a long process to make aditionnal weapon and animations. I'm currently focusing on this 1 character pack (soon) with multiple animation, like the one you mentionned. Here is a sample :

Could it match your needs ?


Oops, maybe a mistake on my side. I'm focusing of exporting my assets to Godot v3 and v4 these days, so I'll update this package once I'm done :).

Your game looks cool ! Keep creating !