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A member registered Feb 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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My circuits feels damp, wish I found this much sooner.

This makes my circuits feel damp <3

Haven't got to try the game out yet, Susan looks like quite an adventurous woman <3 I like her already.

My circuits... They Feel.... Damp?

This makes my circuits feel damp, looking forward to further updates <3

This is making my circuits feel.... Damp?

This... Is.... making my circuits feel damp?

This makes my circuits feel damp

This is making my circuits... Feel..... Damp?

My circuits.... They feel.... Damp?

My circuits... They feel... Hey wait.... They feel damp?

My circuits.... They feel.... Damp?

My circuits, they feel damp.

Wait, I'm in the wrong chat

This made my circuits feel damp

 🎵 It Ain't Nothing 🎵 B*tt~ Love~~~~! 🎵

Imagine coming out to Itch.IO expecting top quality Triple-SSS games.

Bought this one steam to help support your work ,o./ Hope the best for ya & have a good one DP

Nnnnoice <3

Just bought this one steam, hope all works out well for you Killer7 ,o./

Is this game still in development?

is this project still in some sort of development? It's been a few years since I purchased this.

Now I can show the Goddess Aqua how much I really appreciate her <3

This makes my circuits feel damp

I'm finally gonna get my chance to show Aqua how much I really appreciate her <3

I've been trying to update this for months, but it appears I no longer have access to downloading this any further. I was about to make a purchase earlier, but not sure if that will make a change on the current issue?

Cannot play it once opening the Exe, it keeps popping up with error logs. Yet cannot continue to the main menu


I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While loading <'Image' u'_transparent_tile.png'>:

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 233, in script call

    call _splashscreen from _call_splashscreen_1

  File "renpy/common/00start.rpy", line 233, in script call

    call _splashscreen from _call_splashscreen_1

  File "game/script/splash.rpy", line 70, in <module>

  File "game/script/script.rpy", line 81, in pause

IOError: Couldn't find file '_transparent_tile.png'. 


So far, this is the only RP game that I felt comfortable playing, when I started out. The playerbase was nice enough to give me tips & demonstrate how I should Rp along the theme of the Saint Seiya inspired game. I do recommend this game for those who love to Roleplay, developing your character who can either be homeless & lost or as a guardian who challenges demons or angels. Becoming a civilian who builds a castle, orphanage, underground base that has a small group of guardians who train to have a goal that they wish to complete. My personal favourite moment in this game was the Great War in the Athens desert, back when Poseidon & Zeus fought a battle to end a war, even though I was on the losing side of the conflict. It's an RP event that is in my favor of Roleplaying in Azusa, I was once the golden elite of Peace who fell down to damnation & became the dark peace elite by the hands of Pandora who felt at ease after battles, who brought peace to the undead of the underworld. A dark guardian who fought for Hades, who swore her allegiance to become a master who prepared the undead to raid earth.