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Ginger Gamer

A member registered May 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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So the game buffers the last input you until the point your character moves. That makes it doesn’t feel as responsive, so I get your criticism. Ran out of time to try to fix those controls to be honest.

I’m just glad I got rid of the ability to hit the arrow opposite the way you just came from (killing you instantly if you had 2+ Adventurers in your party). It made some of those tight turns where you want to quickly round a corner a lot safer. Thanks for your feedback!

I meant to get around to enemies with more health / more enemies spawning at a time / levels for game / possibly health for your units so they could be destroyed too, but it was 5am and I was passing out so I figured it was better to post the game before I missed the Jam deadline and get some sleep.

(1 edit)

Don’t run into the enemies, come up alongside of them. Ally units (“!”) you collide with, enemy units (angry face) you walk past to attack them.