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Girl in Red Games

A member registered May 26, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much. I really appreciate that :3
And I'm glad you liked my game very much ^^
I also want to thank you for the help you have given me in making me aware of the issues my game had/has. <3

(1 edit)

Hello, I managed to fix the bug: now the sheet of paper can be taken. :3
I also fixed a further bug for which it was impossible to turn back to that room after leaving it.
Thanks again for having made me aware of these issues. <3

(2 edits)

Yeah, it is indeed some kind of bug, cause you must take and read it in order to proceed, I'm trying to figure out why it cannot be taken. I'll update you as soon as I find out.

It is strange cause I didn't encounter this bug before in previous versions. I'll find out.

(2 edits)

Ok, so, I will reply in order:

1. It is clearly stated when starting the game and in the help that sometimes the player will be expected to insert exactly the name of the objects, in these cases the name will be explicitly specified.
This statement was written as a specific reference to the paintings and to the books you will find later. It can also be adapted to the name of the female png Alice as well.

2. This is due to the fact the pendulum and the alarm are referenced with the same word, that is "clock", I'm adjusting this with the next update by changing the reference to the alarm clock with the word "alarm".
Thank you for pointing it out to me.

3. My game is really simple in its structure.
The verbs you can interact the environment with are stated in the help.
The "hidden verb" you are saying I think refers to this phrase from the help:

"Furthermore, IN ONE CASE, it will not be possible to use normal interactions, but you will have to think about possible verbs (always the infinitive form) to use in order to proceed."

But read carefully, it says "IN ONE CASE, it will not be possible to use normal interactions", this case will be explicit, you will know when it is time to think, and even then the verbs can be understood from what the game tells you.
But it will happen only once. For the rest of the game the verbs are always those written in the help.

Referring to your trying of throwing the tray, why would you do that? Why would you need to do that?
I understand you were stuck, but remember that the game is more like Zork than Monkey Island, if you catch what I mean.
The only thing you have to know is "read the descriptions carefully and think logically".
For example, you have noticed the space between the pedestal and the chicken statue, good, keep that in mind for later.


Also, you have seen the water in the fountain, maybe there is a path in the garden you didn't find, like....over or beyond(?)
Look at the list of verbs you have and read the descriptions ^^

Finally, about the hint, I would say that a bespectacled poppy is literally a poppy with glasses, thick glasses ;)
Does it remind you of something?

(4 edits)

I'm happy you're enjoying the game anyway.


About the hint, after some research on Google I decided to change its words a bit with the next upload.
Since English isn't my first language I didn't know which words would fit better for it, so I think that "bespectacled" instead of "four-eyed" would be a better choice of words for what I had in mind.
(If you know Italian, the original word is "occhialuto")
So the riddle becomes "The key to the studio lies under the bespectacled poppy."
I hope you find out what it means ^^, it can be tricky, but not necessarily.

Oh, and about the stone, I'll tell you this: not every in-game object that can be taken will have to be used somewhere; the fact the player can take nearly every object that appear in the descriptions is for "realism", but some are useful, some not. I'm telling you this cause I don't want you to waste your time, for example, trying to use the stone on every single object ^^.

I hope you won't find any more problems ahahah ^^
But if you do, do not hesitate to comment here as you've done so far :3

Also, I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner, but I had been busy lately @_@ and I also changed my phone and had to pass all accounts and forgot to pass the email account associated with itch, so I only noticed the comment notification today.

I apologize for making you wait.

(1 edit)

Ok, so, I checked, the problem here is that the program wants the objects you interact with to be referenced with the exact same name they are saved and referenced in game files, this means that writing alice and Alice is not the same. Although it's not a big deal, this is in fact an issue, I will fix it in order to make the parser case-insensitive.

(during development I thought that the players would write objects' name as they read them, but I didn't think about the fact the 99% of the object are written low-cases, so yeah, I'm not very perceptive ^^" ahahah)

On the other hand, the book being on the table is not correct, and that is an issue cause the descriptions of what you see is a core feature of the game and can soft lock or show things that should be hidden.

Thanks again.

In the end, if you'd like to go further without waiting the upload of the game patched, you can simply put Alice instead of alice, but:

vs lbh jnag gb gnyx gb Nyvpr ntnva abj gung fur vf znq (V'z fbeel, lbh qvqa'g vagraq gb fvapr lbh ernq gur obbx jnf ba gur gnoyr), nyy lbh unir gb qb vf vafregvat gur npgvba "ncbybtvmr" va beqre gb fcrnx gb ure ntnva.

I will upload the patched version as soon as I can ^^

Pheraps I need some info, this happened the first time you encountered Alice, or after the Studio event?

Oh, yeah, this is a bug, I will fix it as soon as possible! Thanks for letting me know!

(2 edits)

Reading you comment better, I understand what you're saying towards the end. I'll eventually improve it as you suggest, thanks ^^

Hi ^^, thanks for the comment and for playing my game, I'm happy you're enjoying it so far :3
Yes, some commands are disabled when the game begins because the letter part is some sort of little tutorial (a practical one after the initial wall of text ahah), in which the player is remembered that 'f' must be inserted before inserting any other action verbs.
In fact, as you noticed, after that the game opens up entirely.
I also wanted the player to think about the commands to insert, I didn't want the game to tell them directly, because other parts of it will require this type of thinking.
This part can be seen as the very first enigma of the game, too.
But maybe I should state that it is the tutorial part, cause actually you're not the first one to get a little stuck there, one friend of mine got stuck there too ahah ^^".
I recognised it would be a bit difficult at first to know how to proceed, so I left a hint, but it seems it is not enough ahah.

However the game is not too long, so wasting more time than needed in this section is not a big deal for the longevity of it >:3 ahahah

Anyway, if you have any other problems or comments about the game, or parts of it, do not hesitate to write :3
I'll be glad to respond and help you as best as I can ^^

(English version coming soon.)
Lo strano caso di Walter Donovan è disponibile per il download!

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Cosa si nasconde dietro la tua maschera?

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Un antico maniero coloniale in periferia, una lettera d'aiuto di una vecchia amica e un segreto da svelare.
In quest'avventura testuale vecchio stile, ispirata al primissimo Zork, dovrai esplorarerisolvere enigmiinteragire con i personaggi e...scappare, con lo scopo finale di giungere alla verità: capire cosa si celi dietro la scomparsa di Walter Donovan, chi sia quest'uomo in realtà e quale segreto custodiva.

Ricorda, l'essenza è spesso celata da una maschera e la follia si nasconde sempre dove meno la si aspetti.

Rivela il volto sotto la maschera!