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A member registered Oct 26, 2019 · View creator page →

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what da hell
ugh hard chart still funnyyyy as hell..

It's very easy to stack notes.

1. Place a note in a lane
2. Place a note in another lane
3. Drag that other note on top of the first note

Bam, really easy. It does check for clicking on the same note multiple times, thank god, but stacking is still pretty easy.

Random suggestion: Once a song's chart ends, make it impossible to miss via ghost tapping. It's nice to just spam buttons after a song ends without having to worry about dying or my score dropping.

betting the programmer(s) are running on no sleep right now as they try to figure out what the hell is going on, pray for them :(

you on the latest version?

if anything I feel like this really encourages them adding an auto-update function sometime down the line. also the version backpedaled to 0.3.1 what the


C e a s e .