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Try change DISPLAY'S (AT WINDOWS) resolution (worked for me): 👍
Try change DISPLAY'S (AT WINDOWS) resolution to lower (worked for me): 👍
Try change DISPLAY'S (AT WINDOWS) resolution to lower (worked for me): 👍
Try change DISPLAY'S (AT WINDOWS) resolution to lower (worked for me): 👍
Now it's... playable :)
OMG it's working! #GodBlessYou
People that have any problems with slow PC\game and etc: change your DISPLAY'S (AT WINDOWS) resolution to 800x600 or 640x480 - and it's working perfectly (no slows or lags)!
But change it (on Win10 anyway) in "advanced settings" of display, because standard settings do black bars on left\right (4:3) [example: → "Advanced settings" → "List All Modes"]
* Anyway on widescreen display 640x480 stretched to fullscreen and seems like working perfectly (the only thing: at menu it's still 4:3 and cropped, but buttons at left\right seen and working)
Now I can play at Kojima Genius Spooky ltd. 👍
Thanks you great "simple man"! 🙏
* It's seems like mouse fixed too at this update, thanks dev (seems like mouse depends from resolution\quality or something, because on 640x480 mouse more malleable and now... playable :) 👍
Suggestion: put it (changing resolution) at game's menu :P
Happy (spooky) holidays!
Too lazy to check and don't know whether to run under Wine, but:
Reso — mini app to change resolution
Author's site:
And FPS+ = gaming is possible 👍
Yep, there is: Reso — mini app to change resolution
Author's site:
And FPS+ = gaming is possible 👍