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A member registered Oct 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Apologies. V.024 came out shortly before launch and I neglected to update the text. It's fixed now.

Steam is up to date to v.024

Hey there. As per steam rules, other storefronts must have the same price as Steam. its unfortunate but i must abide by it. 

No, you pay once and get all updates from the future. 

Hi. This occurs when loading old out of date saves.

unfortunately yes. Any saves pre v.02 are broken due to a massive code overhaul i did when v.02 launched

Havent had any reports of that. 

Are you on an old save from pre v.02?

Pregnancy is not at the moment planned

Yes he will be able to earn money for dates and outfits

All the girls are meetable. People seem to miss Celeste's coworker Ella, did you miss her? Try visiting Affinity when Celeste isn't at work.

This happens when an old save is loaded. The warning at the beginning states a new save is needed

That occurs if you load an old save. Warning at the beginning says you need a new one

Should work now

Hey there. I'll be updating the downloads once the update goes public so you can download from here

(1 edit)

Comes out to patrons in about 4 days. Has about 3x the content of V.02 and a ton of new stuff. Will be public 2 weeks after the first patreon release

Soon. Working on it now

V.02 will have a linux distribution available.

A new story, updated graphics. Better overall.

Thanks so much! Just watched the video the effort you put into it is incredible! So glad you liked V.01 and hope you like V.02 when it comes out!

An android Version is available already

Thank you!

I hate NTR, it will never appear

So glad you like it! Thanks for playing!

It will be posted here when public. Which is in about 9 days. 

It will not. It's an entirely new game, new events, stories, locations, all that.

Ive actually remade the game in the Daz3D engine. It went out to patrons a few days ago and will be public soon. You can see teasers in the discord server

(1 edit)

PC, Mac and Android. Yes its free 

Im actually working on a new project now that should release in January. SI has temporarily been put on hold. Had a bit of burnout after working on it for so long.

Thank you for the report! I will fix this up

Sorry for the late reply. You must be on the phone homescreen and you can click the phone icon on the UI to exit. 

Thank you so much for the review! I love to hear that people enjoy the game :) 

Hey there! I sent a discord message but copying here in case you miss it. 

You can find money through minigames on the phone/computer. Or through minigames at the cafe and library unlocked through Ella/Vivian  

If you run out of money, ask alex for more when shes home

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

If you run out you can ask alex for more in the evening :). You need it to buy a few items later on

No shame haha, Cat girls are hot. Plenty of Nyan~~ stuff coming in the next update friend. :) 

Glad you enjoyed it! The next update comes out in 5 days so, look forward to it :)

Thank you :). I'm glad you like it. The next update will be out in just over a week,  adding nearly 2 more hours of stuff.

Glad you enjoy it :). More updates are being made as we speak.