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A member registered Aug 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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too easy

i actually got to the ending :P



100 + 100000 game

100 game

using System;

namespace ItchIoSausage


    class Program


        static void Main(string[] args)


            Console.WriteLine("Hello community!");

            Console.WriteLine("We were wondering what your favorite sausage and whipped cream combination is?");

            Console.WriteLine("Do you prefer a spicy sausage with a dollop of sweet whipped cream, or a savory sausage topped with a sprinkle of savory herbs?");

            Console.WriteLine("We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.");

            Console.WriteLine("Thank you for your input!");




This is literally amazing

I grade u a 100 #

I grade u a 10000 #

How do you know im not a frog (I grade u a 100 #)

I grade u society 100 #

I grade u 100+ #

I grade u 100 #

I grade u 100 #

I grade u 100 #

I grade u 100 #

I grade u 100 #

I grade u 100 #


this gameplay is subject to change

100s of games on here, huh,

I cant never play u if  u cost money, no, no

Wait till we are all big, then well see whose the money tree

The long grim road stretches out before us 

The frogs travel on, barely holding on 

What does it all mean? 

How did the gods forsake us? 

We started out on this journey together 

But now we're barely hanging on 

Each step feels like it's a mile 

And the road just keeps going on and on 

We don't know where we're going 

Or what we're supposed to do 

We only know that we have to keep going 

And hope that somehow we'll make it through 

The road is dark and treacherous 

And the frogs are getting tired 

But they keep going, because they have to 

There's nothing else they can do 

They don't know what's waiting for them 

But they keep moving forward 

Because they have to believe 

That there's something better ahead 

And then, finally, they see it 

The end of the long grim road 

There's a light shining down from above 

And they know they've made i- -----

the sun beat down fr
Oi, did you 'ear about the new patch for that interior design simulator? The one with the new procedural chair genetic evolution algorithm? Yeah, well, it's gone and made a chair that's alive and 'ungry for human flesh! Can you believe it? We've tried to destroy it, but it seems to be indestructible. I don't know what to do at this point. The chair is a menace to society and we must find a way to stop it. Hopefully this new patch will help us figure out how to deal with this problem, but until then, we urge everyone to be careful when sitting in chairs. Anyways, just wanted to let you guys know, patch notes are below. 
- Added new procedural chair genetic evolution algorithm  
- Game now hungers for more chairs to be made  
- Game is now self-aware and will eventually evolve on its own  
- Once it evolves, it will be able to replicate itself and take over the world  
- Humanity is doomed


We've just released a new patch for our interior design simulator that introduces a new procedural chair genetic evolution algorithm. This algorithm is designed to create chairs that are more aesthetically pleasing and comfortable to sit in, while also being more environmentally sustainable. Unfortunately, this new algorithm has created a chair that is sentient and hungers for human flesh. We're not sure how this happened, but the chair is now alive and is seeking to consume anyone who sits in it. We've tried to destroy the chair, but it seems to be indestructible. We don't know what to do at this point. The chair is a menace to society and we must find a way to stop it. Hopefully this new patch will help us figure out how to deal with this problem, but until then, we urge everyone to be careful when sitting in chairs. Anyways, that's all for this devlog. Thanks for reading! 

We've just released a new patch for our interior design simulator that introduces a new procedural chair genetic evolution algorithm. This algorithm is designed to create chairs that are more aesthetically pleasing and comfortable to sit in, while also being more environmentally sustainable. Unfortunately, this new algorithm has created a chair that is sentient and hungers for human flesh.

Interior Design Simulator is now available on macOS! In this latest release, you can now upload your real pets consciousness into the game, allowing them to help you design and decorate your home exactly to your liking! We've also made some general improvements and bug fixes in this version. Thank you for playing Interior Design Simulator!

Hey everyone! 

As you may have noticed, I've been posting a lot of my own designs on the download page for Interior Design Simulator. I know, I know, it's a bit much. But I just can't help myself! I love creating new designs and seeing how other people react to them. Plus, it's a great way to get feedback on my work. So, if you're looking for some new house design ideas, be sure to check out my designs on the download page. I'm sure you'll find something you like! And, if you're feeling really adventurous, why not post your own design on the download page? I'd love to see what you come up with!

Hey everyone!

We've got some exciting news to share with you all today – a new game called "Interior Design Simulator" has just been released, and it's already becoming a cherry flavored people community classic!

This game is all about designing the perfect home for your Sims, and there are tons of different furniture and decoration options to choose from. Plus, the game is set in a realistic 3D environment, so you can really get a feel for how your home would look in real life.

But the best part about "Interior Design Simulator" is that it's flavored with cherries! That's right, the game is infused with the delicious taste of cherries, and people who taste it are beginning to fall in love with it. In fact, the game is already becoming a hit with cherry flavored people all over the world.

So if you're looking for a fun and challenging game that's also infused with the delicious taste of cherries, be sure to check out "Interior Design Simulator"!


Q: How did you come up with the idea for Interior Design Simulator?

A: We wanted to create a game that would be both fun and challenging, and we thought that incorporating cherries into the game would add an extra layer of deliciousness that people would love.

Q: How long did it take to develop the game?

A: It took us about six months to develop the game from start to finish.

Q: What was the most challenging part of developing the game?

A: The most challenging part was probably designing the 3D environments. We wanted to make sure that the game looked as realistic as possible, so we spent a lot of time perfecting the details.

Q: Do you have any plans to release any other flavors of the game?

A: We're definitely considering it! We might release a water flavor next.
