Hey, found this page after I saw this game get released on GOG (happy to see it's not just Steam alone now); was just doing some research on the game. (I wishlisted the PC version on GOG)
Recent community posts
Here's the direct link to the soundtrack, for anyone who wants it: https://yogurtbox.bandcamp.com/album/horizon-vanguard-original-game-soundtrack
Also, on seeing the name "yogurtbox" I suddenly realized I had long ago picked up one of coda's albums, Tree of Knowledge, probably from some Indie Royale bundle about a decade or so ago, haha!
I made it to level 121...how much farther does this go?!
(I'm guessing it's endless and procedurally generated.)
Well, anyway, this is definitely fitting the bill, i.e. being a game that can be idled but also doesn't running for weeks. Being able to get to what's functionally the end of the game in half a day made it actually rather reasonable as far as idle games go.
I read that the browser saves my progress. I hope it does since it's taken half a day to get here, and I'm gonna have to stop until maybe the next update or something.
Edit: oof, I had an all-tree spawn on 121 but still didn't beat it. aww...
Edit: beat 121, finally!
Just curious, where are save files stored for this VN? Not that they're that important since the VN is linear and pretty short anyway, but I'm just curious. At first I wondered whether it was log.txt, but some testing quickly ruled that out. I'm now wondering whether it's in AppData\Roaming\RenPy\GrumpyGirls-[some numbers]. The number of saves and quicksaves I have matches, and the VN *is* about grumpy girls, so..
Edit: Hmm, that's not it. Renaming that folder doesn't cause the saves to be lost, even though it does certainly get re-created every time I launch the VN.
I feel like I saw there were more community copies last night, like 23, but there are 15 this morning. If I observed this correctly (which I'm not entirely sure of, to be fair), then...considering that the game is free to download the regular way, I'm surprised that people are claiming community copies instead.
Edit: Wait, this is actually even weirder. Downloading it for free the normal way doesn't subtract from community copies, but paying for it *does*, apparently. I just paid a dollar for this and now there are only 14 community copies left.
For the record, I mentioned this issue on the itch.io Discord server.
As someone who hasn't yet played this game (I picked it up in a giant charity bundle so that's why I know about it) but who has suffered from burnout from large projects, I just want to say, congrats on not only getting a thing done but also revisiting and improving it.
This reminds me, I need to go do something like this in my life too right now, heh.
I know this is an old comment, but -- for the record -- itch has since improved things so that even though the individual products in giant bundles don't all show up en masse in your account, if you go to product pages they'll show you what bundles you've bought it in. After you do this, if you then click on one of the bundle download pages for that product, I think it then only shows that one download link on the product page for you. (Though if you really want the other links, you can go and use the bundle pages to find your other download links too, or you can also open multiple download links in tabs to "register" them all to your account, and thereafter the product page will show all your download links.)
Picked this up in one of the giant charity bundles and enjoyed this short but sweet VN.
I just have one question about the setting (encoded via ROT13 so as to avoid spoilers for anyone who doesn't want to see it):
Qbrf guvf gnxr cynpr ba Ornhfbyrvy Vfynaq va Trbetvna Onl Vfynaqf Angvbany Cnex va Bagnevb?
Today I don't know what I might have touched but when I opened JRNL I noticed there was a formatting bar at the top of the window with a box around my text area. I could also pull up something at the bottom which produced a blank white area where text didn't go, and which I could adjust by pulling it again.
I like this formatting bar (usually only appears if I highlight text), and I even realized I could change the font from this!
But, what caused this to appear?
I ran into a bug where I think saving as the witch immediately after switching to her for the first time caused the game to do various weird things, including show both a knight and a witch in town, make me show as a knight but have the witch's character UI element in the corner and be unable to use any attacks at all.
I forgot how I fixed this but eventually I got it fixed.
I understand that the dev may not be fixing bugs anymore, but I feel like I should document this, in case anyone's curious, and you never know if it'll be useful information for a speedrunner.