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A member registered Oct 28, 2023

Recent community posts

I typically go with a bunch of flame damage, really good for clearing enemies and not having to focus on the boss, usually works best with splinter and some bounce

yep, brute forced it

I started playing this game yesterday, I've learned the best strategy is to not try to chase enemies but instead let them chase you and turn around and shoot at them while flying through them, also life-steal upgrades are good for this strategy that I've found to work.

I play the game through itch since it's unblocked on my Chromebook, the device I use is a school-issued one, so I can't download any games on it. So this is where I need to leave you until I get my own laptop or computer. I do hope to see this game become something even better than it is now when I get there though, I do hope that more people find a strong love for this game that I've developed as I played this game during it's updates on itch.

Dang... missing out on early access cause I play on a device that has steam blocked

When us web players are still waiting for the web update, or is it that it's just not going to happen? Not trying to sound rude or anything, just asking.

The cyro-beam is pretty weak, especially in the late game, it doesn't deal enough damage to take out enemies fast enough, and it's pretty expensive to try and upgrade it early in the run, it not dealing aoe damage that makes it kinda useless for ad clearing. I feel like it should be crowd control due to it's slowing effect, but it can't even do that, even when I got to a higher level with it.

Clicked on weapon icon during jumper selection, this pops up

This is also probably the first time I've ever really been active with giving feedback about a game.

If you could, can you label the items that are considered utilities so that it's easier to differ between them, I know it's labeled in the codex, but it's hard to remember what items are utilities.

15-20 feels like a lot of runs to go through, especially for people playing on lower-end devices like me, the lag that my device gets is quite a bit, and needing to sacrifice a weapon slot just to fit in the plasma charger to reduce lag is a little annoying.

What exactly are considered utilities?

I like the way that purchasing weapons is after each round, but the way you get relics is so slow, especially for completing that one achievement for getting 500 relics

Also, clicking on the weapon icon during the selection screen, when you're selecting the jumper, seems to make the game have a runtime error

I have played it, I haven't gotten far enough to unlock any of the new jumpers though, school work and stuff, but the new weapon leveling system is nice, and the new way that the jetpack works, makes it feel like the rest of the jetpack's fuel that you didn't use isn't wasted after you stop using it.

Me also only having 1% of charge left

me seeing a new update and unable to wait till I get home just to try it


what do mystical shards do

I don't even need to play the game to know that this is something wonderful and amazing

I got jammed in the computer...

I'll keep trying to do it though

Me also knowing I most likely can't brute force it

Me trying to brute force SC Repair 3

The ending though 😭

Something like this works well

so with what you have, I'd go pyromaniac, and try to get the flame scythe, it'd be described as a glittering orange blade

uhmmm... summoning an electron crashes the gam

Where do I check corruption level?

Yes, I take typing lessons if you're wondering

25.36K GB

(1 edit)

Me casually walking through this game while listening to Doom soundtrack

What does nostalgia even do?

I've noticed that sometimes the equipment's unique perk doesn't stay the same when I change it, it switches back to what it was before after I leave the inventory, and the game sometimes doesn't save correctly

Can you set something up so we can change the quality to reduce lag on lower-end devices?

Might also want to think about changing how strong the effect is for the perk of being bellow 33% health and doubling regen and block, or regen and lifesteal, especially for aoe centered builds

maybe have it so they have diminishing returns or limit the maximum that you can have of them, I was trying to farm amber but I couldn't die so I was extremely disappointed when I wouldn't be able to bring in all the amber I had made

I believe that I had bought the ice diamond replacement, and then I purchased the ice diamond as an extra weapon, I'm not sure, I'll try to recreate it to be sure

Notice anything strange?

To many crusher claws...