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A member registered Jul 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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no. but in certain tutorials it stops my for loop and instead i have to copy paste alott


yea, seems to not support my engine (turbowarp)

add the exe if you use scratch use turbowarp to compile it

funny chip rep - Hederlunden 5/5 best rap ive heard, will add after rating(maybe)

well i was thinking of making that but i already compiled it

because the calculation is like this: (Hidden evil chip)Pick random location to spawn. Clone itself. Repeat until level complete: Point in direction of player, Move 5 pixels.

well, i used turbowarp (a scratch mod which lets you do bigger things like .exe exports, and widescreen(which i forgot to add(again))) i usually use godot though and i thought that if in only had 15 minutes i should make it in turbowarp instead

man i cant be smart it stops my for loops man :(  i wanna learn actual gdscript and not python(which i know already)

hope i win

yea lol i had a deadline of 15 minutes before i need to go to bed and when i wake up i only would only have 15 mins so i decided to mak a game quick this is my first time posting in a game jam other than my own

its okay

Milk Jam 1 community · Created a new topic hi bro

im making a game about chip



pretty good


unplayability is against the unspoken rules

what the hell is a cb3 and no


So, this is BSoD Jam. Don't post early builds and treat others as they want to be treated.