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A member registered Apr 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello, thank you so much for this comment ! <3 

I’m so happy you enjoyed the endings ! ! As for your question, Nonnie is a shortened nickname for the word “Anonymous”. As for her backstory, the incidents referred to previous psychotic attacks usually resulting in being hospitalized. What happened to her family is up for the reader to infer, since we are being told the story from an unreliable narrator there isn’t a way to truly tell where they are or what happened to them. There’s even potential they’re still in the home and Nonnie is too far gone, since Nonnie was somehow moved back to her bed in one of the true endings this could mean family is still there. However this is up for interpretation and theorizing, when I wrote this from my perspective- everything is untrustworthy and some things don’t check out and aren’t what they seem, so some things will never have true reality based answers in this novel.

As for your commentary, I truly thank you for experiencing this and analyzing it and showing empathy and compassion to such a stigmatized disorder! <3 

This comment made my night ! ! <3 I'm so glad you enjoyed playing, thank you so so much for the support ! <33 

As the worms would say . . . YAAAAY ! 

Thank you so much for the kind words ! I am so honored that you consider my work inspiring ! <3

I’m really glad you liked the game, thank you for playing ! <3

I LOVED WATCHING THIS ! This video honestly made my day, I was so entertained by your responses & honored at the reaction to the true good ending. Thank you for this ! ! <3

Hey! I checked out your VN logs and it looks super interesting & cool so far. Ren’py is such a fun engine !  Glad to see you around in the forums =-D 

I used Ren’py! It took a few months considering the emotional toll of the writing, so I had to take breaks pretty often, sometimes for a while. =‘-) The engine uses python as the language if you’re curious about that. 

AA thank you ! ! I will probably go explode with CSS snazziness with the new game I'm working on since it's more intricate and bizarre . . ! I really love the design choices you chose, though ! ! ^_^ Thank you for recommending a channel, too ! ! =-D Your page is a real eye catcher, I'm sure people will be super interested when they see it . . ! <3

Forget Your Chains || A psychological horror VN 

Experience the horrors of forgetting antipsychotics through Nonnie, a strange girl with schizoaffective disorder. Guide her to safety or her demise through your choices, encounter strange entities and vocal objects in her lively home.


~Written by someone diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.~

Hello! I just wanted to pop in and say this game has been my favorite game for about 5 years now. I played it when it first came out and it was the only thing that comforted me when I was struggling with schizoaffective and other disorders. I just saw you added my game to a collection and I've been over the moon that my favorite creator, one that got me through  extremely trauma ridden times, saw my game and liked it. I chose to comment here as this is where it all started.  I just wanted to say thank you for getting me through some of the hardest times in my life with this art piece. I cannot believe that my all time favorite creator found my game. You inspired me so heavily when I was learning to make games. So once again, thank you. Thank you for everything. <3