Thanks! It's still a ways out from being a really playable game, but I'm trying!
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So sorry I didn't get back to this sooner! These points will be addressed when the opportunity arises, right now I'm focused on getting some back-end and player-related states squared away.
I'm hopeful that the down-timey half of the game can start getting researched and developed, as I feel that is equally important to the action-heavy parts of the game's design.
Recently, things like steering behaviors and navigation have been developed for entities to use as a drop-in solution. I'm certain the horse will make use of it when the time is found to care for her.
I appreciate the offer to help, and I'll have to stew over it. I wouldn't want to potentially waste your time and consideration and come up short for any help you provide, though I do a good deal of things by myself as things are. I am not working totally alone now, but I am bearing the weight of creative direction and execution.
However things shake out, I appreciate the post!