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Gnoll Way Home

A member registered Jun 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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By our definitions, he'd be a trans-male.
Their society doesn't have a lot of the same terms we use when discussing those topics though, so you might get different answers to that question in-universe.

Good catch. I've made it a bit more generous.

Could you give more details? I'd love to track this down.

Yup, will be releasing publicly soon, but if you really like it you can always help support it on Patreon and read it sooner.

Planning to release Chapter Two in July here.

You might see some hints about this in the next chapter...

Alrighty, it's live now

Waiting on Patreon to approve it.

Run GnollWayHome.exe

This first chapter is purely kinetic, but future chapters are planned to have a small number of important choices.

Fixed. Looked like i just needed to mark the platform on the download.

This was a fantastic little read! 

A great palette cleanser for me personally since I'd just finished a few much longer, heavier VNs.