Hey Thoof, nice to see your latest work!
I like this one, it seemed like a interesting deconstruction and combination of some of the ideas of both Idle clickers and Tower defense style games, with the hoard and single position. I also like the simple but clear pixel art, and thinks it's quite charming.
So easy quality of life thoughts, that might clash with your design simplicity, but might still be interesting would be,
1. have a ring around the night showing the safe blast zone for bombs. I found my self doing the knight a lot of harm with the bombs, so some marking to visual reference would help. It could be things as simple a a circle, or a circle of stone like the knight stands on, several blast circles at irregular places around the knight to give a sense of where would be safe while still being a bit unclear. The idea I liked most was a circle of grass/flowers that sets the safe distance, but gets destroyed by bombs, so you lose more of it the longer you play.
2. A place where it's suggested to stash spare potions, like as a resource management guide, thought again possibly to hand holding.
Some augmentation ideas
Grass or some sort of fog of war that type thign that is cleared by boms or fires.
Some sort of tower defense esque walls that pop up as you play or your buy from a side list for kill bounties.
Freeze slimes that freeze skelletons and the night until explosion or flame slime
General thought
I almost feel like this is a game that would be alot of fun on mobile with a touch screen, as it would give a nice tactility to helping the knight.
Overall I really like the concept, and how solid the execution was.
Thank you for making this.
Recent community posts
Great work as always!
I really liked how well you laced the tone/theme/mechanics in this one.
The backing up and positional mechanic where really neat, and I think allowing a undo feature was smart mechanically, but also suited the relaxed tone.
I think the puzzles posed a challenge while still being intuitive, and progressed within an appropriate curve.
Thank you for making this!
Nice work as always Thoof! This one has some really nice resource/time management aspects to it, and I really like having to skirt things off the side.
OI think making the periods between fights longer might have a better game feel, and narrative would work as it takes longer to find worthy foes.
Also as the insert it a slime it would be interesting to have a mini matching game function where the slime can eat some of the gear and if the color or type match in a set of 3 then it makes a better items of that type or color, but this a really good game already.
Thank you for making this.