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A member registered Dec 04, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the info! I'm going to use manga/anime background references to create scenes, and maybe some ai generated art ( which I'll make sure to modify to make crisp, or just use as a reference! ) Thanks again!

well..shucks.. it was a really great story, and the characters were pretty good, (cept for samantha..geeeesssh) but , i guess it was good while it lasted :) Thanks for the reply MBK

You know, I usually don't comment on any novels or anything onitch, as I just made an account to send you this comment. The music really made the game for me! I was glad that there weren't too many sex scenes; it was, honestly, perfect balance. Emily stole me in the hospital, lol, and thats where I am currently, but I had to tell you, so far, it's amazing! probably one of the best ones I actually read through. Keep at it! It's a great novel! -Goblin

your novel looks amazing!

(1 edit)

Thank you so much!!! Going to learn off of these, and hopefully create my first renpy game! Amazing artwork by the way!