I'm late, but i ended up making just a static frame that turned out really cool. Thanks for the response and potential creation though, if you ever make one I'm sure it will be dope and I'll drop by to see it!
A member registered 57 days ago
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2D Pixel Art Octopus (Small) Sprites comments · Posted in 2D Pixel Art Octopus (Small) Sprites comments
This is cute.
Do you accept commissions? I want to make a sprite for GB Studio, which I am planning to use to propose to my girlfriend in a custom game.
I do not need to own the content, but would be happy to support you making it for your community.
No worries if not. For info if you do, I am looking for a simple stingray sprite for GB Studio (Left / Right / Down / Up) images, + (Wing and/or movement animation) for each image.
Best regards!
Boaty McBoatFace