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A member registered Nov 01, 2019

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It's the skirt. You need a plain black skirt (of any length, tho idk if the Maxi Skirt works) from the basic clothing store (Mr. Gable's)

Or pants as he tells you, but obvs if you're aiming to wear a skirt, that's the one.

The turn-ons are what you find attractive in other people, so if your character is submissive, it would make more sense if they're turned on by characters with dominant vibes. I don't think there's a way to change turn-ons without restarting.

I'm having that same problem. I got my character a girlfriend and then started working on getting a boyfriend, all his stats were up and I was going on a date every night for weeks but the prompt never showed up. Finally, I broke up with the girlfriend and next date? He finally asks me to be his partner.

And while all this is happening, I've been stuck in a loop with the Best Friend, I rarely get the option to even talk about sex (despite my character's stats) and when I finally do it's never the scene that resolves their storyline. I guess I'll try breaking up with my character's boyfriend to see if that works, but it's really frustrating if choosing to be poly locks me out of actually being poly.

Thanks for letting me know!! I can wait for RNG, but I was not looking forward to starting a new game so soon after getting this one going. 馃槀Glad I don't have to deal with that, then. Thanks again!

I made the Admirer my friend when prompted and now the game isn't acknowledging his feelings anywhere. I also haven't gotten any part of his storyline yet, but I can't tell if that's just RNG anymore. Did I ruin everything? Do I have to start over?

Awesome, thank you!!

I tried to find this answer myself, but I might not have looked in the right place, so sorry if you've said this before! How much content is available for patrons to play?

Played this last night and just had to comment as soon as I got off work today. Riker is so scary馃槀especially the part where MC is crying. It was exciting tho oops. I'm looking forward to seeing more!

Thank you! <3 I'll send an email shortly

Is it okay to ask for more detail/clarification on some of the stuff on the content warnings page?

*Nicki Minaj meme voice* So there's this cannibal... 馃槍

I really enjoyed the demo! I like the character designs a lot (Especially Dead Meat's lol...) and I think my favorite CG was the one in ending 4. Def excited to see where this one goes, good work! And good luck!

Red is my new boyfriend 馃槏love a good demon! Excited for the rest of the route! ^^

I found this game a while ago, but kept forgetting to comment. It's all I ever wanted 馃檹 In earlier routes, I could see room for improvement in the writing (as well as typos and grammar mistakes) but it seems like your writings improving as you go! That's good! And I LOVE to see content made just for Bottoms, and with a bunch of hot Tops all over the place 馃槏 I can't pick a favorite lolol. Great game!