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A member registered Aug 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Excellent job for your first programming experience! I really dig the idea with the colored areas changing the gameplay. After several retries, I noticed that you can jump an indefinitely amount of times inside the blocks, this made the game a lot easier though I don't think that was the indented outcome. It was a painful but well executed kick in the nards when I finished the game and realized how close the ending was. Great job!

I can't seem to get past the light blue wall, I can't figure out what to do. Other than that I really like the pixel art. The background looks amazing as well as the little details with the car muffler and submarine bubbles.

It's fun little wave based shooter.  I liked the music. A couple things that could be improved are:

1.  Reloading happens too quickly, I can spam R and keep shooting (infinite clip)

2.  Camera does not clamp vertical rotation

3. It would be cool if when you die there was a screen that showed you your credits

4. Placing all the ui at the top left can be inconvenient to look at.  Maybe credits in center top screen, health bottom left, ammo bottom right and all in a larger font.

5. When bunnies are killed, they stick around for a couple of seconds and still damage player (if it's because you want the particles to show longer, instantiate a GameObject with only the particle system when the bunny dies, or simply disable the collider)

Other than that I think this could be a solid game,  great work

Fun game. Having watched the host's videos made their appearance super funny, especially Dani's.  The animations were super smooth and well done, I really liked how the mushrooms transformed to deadlier looking mushrooms. My only suggestion would be, when I'd land on a small platform if I was too close to the edge and try to jump again, the jump wouldn't happen. Other than that, great job guys!

Fun little game.  Like others, I found the mouse look to be a bit off putting. How you can improve it next time is, instead of setting the camera's rotation to the mouse position on screen, (which I'm assuming you are doing) add the input from the mouse to the current rotation. Something like: 

targetXRotation = camera.transform.eulerAngles.x + Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");

targetYRotation = camera.transform.eulerAngles.y + Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");

camera.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(targetXRotation, targetYRotation, 0);

This is off the top of my head and haven't tested it yet but it should point you to the right direction. Also one of the inputs will have to be subtracted instead of added due to it being inverted.

Good Luck on future updates!

Maybe it's just me, but the level with the disappearing platforms and the coins seems to be unbeatable. Other than that the theme was executed very well.

Thank you so much! Yeah sometimes it was hard for me when I play tested 😅