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A member registered Aug 21, 2019

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thank you all for the comments they are some very usefull tips among them 
and since a few ppl got stuck on the puzzles we did a playthrough so you can check out the complete thing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-imqzZuDLY
also added to the description page

i am using the addforce method but with the force mode on change velocity  (with some test this one was the closest to what i wanned for char. movment) the thing is i apply the force on the forward direction of the transformer without  acounting for the angle of the ground , so it applyes the force needed to reach the desired speed but the slope still interfiers since the force appears at an angle towerds it.
PS.: unity docs mention that direct change to the velocity field is not adviseble and should be avoided.

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you are not the first to write that off as a bug  there is even a hint that appears 10 s after you get near that acid "You : I bet even the acid is fake" so jupming in a aria near that acid (that's fake) turns off your gravity and is why you get stuck . so totaly intentional you are suppose to get back to the previous check point (if you stuck) vie ESC menu or Z death and go again without jumping just go straight thru the acid won't kill you :)

oh a long and extencive one  thank you .
yes we went over board on the theme (good or bad ; too much or not i will let ppl deside for them selfs) 
collisions missing on someplaces is intentional.
getting stuck in the ceiling in scene 2 can only happen on one place and is part of the "puzzle".
PS . i am not ignoring the other point i am taking them into consideration on our next venture or were mentioned and ans to before

ah  you should be locked on a question  and you are given to answer it in a menu w 2 buttons   if you tell the game it's a lier you can't prossede ever if you say it isn't the door unlocks (i got the idea to show how liers dont like been called out so the game basicly gets mad at you for sayn it's a lier  altho it's true ) you can  res from check point and it will be reset and ask you again and then you can continue 

we are thinking of posting a video in witch we clear the whole game just so ppl see all of it.
you can come back and check it out if you are interested to see what else we got instored for the player to go thru.

got to 2 endings

the key unlocks only one of the door's but never gets discarded  if you count the doors and tell me witch one or tell me the message before it 

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On that note i gues i will mention that the game has 3 lvl  (scenes) meaning you haven't found the end untill you see medusa's face from up close

ye was suppose  to  be third person with camera following from behind  but our animator didn't have time to work on it because of work and  in the end didn't give use neither a riged body nor animation  so we just  placed the cam on top of a capsule and made it invisible.
you were suppose to slam your face in the ground when that msg appers.

ye i did the movement script the first day when we didn't have the terrain  so the movements were tested on a flat terrrain and forgot to recalibrate them in the end  when we got the terrain done.
also it's kinda slopish and the fps your game works at actully matters in reaching and maintaining the top speed

after staring at the gate for about a min and clicking it with my mouse i went and tryed wasd  and some  naked zombie apeared from behind the scene i moved to the gate and a hand grabed me and pulled me in 
epic graphics 

here   https://itch.io/jam/cgj/rate/477035#post-935726 
altho a lot of missing stuff and glitches  that i know  about  still would  like some feedback

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Ok so apperently a few ppl (friends i gave to test it)  were confused  so i am posting this  the 

"You safely boarded your ship and went home . Come back any time." message is a lie it actually means you died.
also missing are the controlls tip (would have been a lie anyway so here) the general : WASD;  space; shift; and   ctrl    unlocks your mouse if you need it. 

are you suppose to be able to win ?  i am questioning everything here. 
or is wining a lie  and a lesson that you can't run a factory for long that  aways lies.

nice game    i liked it 

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We appreciated all feedback.
altho feadback on spelling mistakes will probably be ignored
if you are stuck: ask i will give solves for all "puzzles" you ask for (hope this forum has spoiler hider )

thats the dev's are liars :)