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A member registered Jun 28, 2021

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It was an okay chapter. Can't wait to see what's next.

Nice dude

File is corrupt when unzipping the latest build. When launching, you get an error code.

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we're back after 3 years???? jeez im gonna need a recap cause I definitely dont remember what happened latest public build 

been so long 

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Did you test if the game froze when you saved after the currency exchange? This is my main bug issue. (On version build 22)

You can always just make an extra save file with the sex scene you like so you can look back at into it in the future.

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In the new build 22 update, saving into a save slot freezes my game and not allowing me to save. 

Also, losing a pirate fight in-between location softlocks your game.

when my paycheck gets here….

It's been so long 

Loved it.

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Saving in the ports freezes my game and thus unable to save. (Windows)

Edit: after some experimenting, this save freeze bug only happens after I give my silver coins to the "angry men" slusland

Absolutely fantastic update. Got shivers from sentimental moments and audio design. Worth the half a year wait.

pretty amazing. here for the characters and stayed for the characters.

(press on a certain someone's nose in the menu screen if you still somehow can't find it)

does the dev have a reason why they abandoned the public site???

this is amazing. the story,  atmosphere,  sound effects and the visuals made for a eye-opening and daunting experience. assuming this is your first time developing a visual novel, it has a lot of potential. looking forward for more 

finished and it was worth the wait

Will the Archives function be our album for all the CGs and soundtracks? If so, I really want to revisit all the art without having to going to old save files. 

crazy cliff hanger for build 15

this shit saur good

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Yes!!! the way everything was executed in this short novel is excellent. I hope we get another cast of characters like these again. Their characters, struggles, and interactions feel so realistic/heartfely. I'm telling you man these Echo writers are experienced fucks.

I love the epilogue. It's a realistic depiction of recovering from trauma. They realize things will never be the same as it used to be bc of echo. But even so, they yearn for a future that may or may not exist. 

When is build 8  going to be public?

genuinely hot as hell like-

It would be nice if we had an in-game gallery to check out all the cg art. I know we can just look in the image files but ya know.... it would look neat and presentable. 

It was a journey following the development of this project. It was truly a pleasure to see the end product

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While I agree with Cameron obtaining psychic powers from drugs is incoherent and illogical to the rest of the echo series, I don't agree with how this compromises Howly's writing in the future. 

Of course, I get this is all up for speculation and we'll only be able to fully criticize this further once the plot continues on.


Splendid update. Absolutely loved how Cameron tied in with the entities of Echo. Hope to see more coming from Howly and Arches characters. 

I'm confused on what you mean by, "there'd only be one". Can you please clarify?

I saw the ending of Day 24 coming but damn that buildup was beautiful.

Samuel is definitely the type to dance in gay parades wearing only a jockstrap. 

Zesty mofos

Take the CW as you will. Personally, I'd highly recommend reading it because of the characters, atmosphere and horror.

see y’all soon :)



Build 19 has to be my favorite update so far. The short music video, the music, the new UI, the plot. I didn't expect the perspective to change so quickly. It's safe to assume this will be a continuing trend within the other routes as well. I do miss Samuel's monologues because his commentary always had that pessimistic vibe to it. 

Props off to the music video, it was so frickennnn adorable and catchy. Seriously, I don't think I've ever fangirled this hard before. 

Cliff's route is currently setting itself up  from what I read. The town's clergy, the townsfolk, Jeb's suspicion on the town, the atmosphere, everything was pretty good.

10/10! The wait was well worth it. See you guys next time when Arches Build 5 releases to the publc.


When is Public Build 19 coming out? I'm not trying to rush here but I'm just curious.

frickkkkkkkkkkkk. I saw it coming but didn't know when it would happen. The main character needs to stop being attached to Ranok and rely on himself. Ranok himself is not very transparent at times and keeps hurting the MC because of it(even shown with his past relationship with Tano).  The MC is even aware in the end Ranok might not be real but he still goes for the bait. Main character is shooting himself in the foot. I see no hope of their relationship coming into fruition. 

The sex scene on the other hand....hmmmm, ehhhh. It was VERY out of place. Especially the aftermath. It was very hard to get into the mood when we just had a serious conversation and Ranok was clearly very uncomfortable with the idea. It was disturbing to say the least. But that was most likely the point. 

Just like MEMEME, Ranok is only an image of what the MC's ideal boyfriend is.  Remember guys, this story will most likely NOT have an happy ending. So don't get too attached. 

Heh, amazing job Kael. The world building and characters are so thought provoking.