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Gojo Fan

A member registered Sep 10, 2023

Recent community posts

Sorry I have to ask but can someone tell me what is is and how to get it

Keep cooking my man, we are all exited for the next update already

Ah I understand, thank you for clearing that up. But do you plan to add content from HC1 into HC2?

I was wondering if you plan to release a downloadable version of HC1, so you don't have to keep going to the hosted website to play it

I "had" grinded on my main save, but... me being me, I accidently deleted it... so yeah, back to square 1.

( Note : I take this game WAY to seriously, so forgive me if i sounded like a bit of a try hard in a fucking porn game (In witch I am)

I usually like to just brute force it, instead  of relying of using manticore spikes.

Re-fighting the capital boss made me remember why I hated it.

mainly because of 2 things

1 : How stupidly hight her hp is, like 3k hp?? That's a major roadblock

2 : She gets 2 turns instead of the usual 1 turn system, if she had only 1 turn, she would be a lot easier   

W update, W devs, keep on cooking my friends. But for now... we eat good today/night

I have experienced this problem before, but it was my anti-virus

It semes your anti-virus detected it as malwhere, try turning off your real time scanning to see if it works

Thanks, I actually figured it out just now.

Throughout all my time of playing i never figured out how to remove the taunt status effect. Is there any way to remove it?

Sorry I'm late for the 6-th release. I just wanted to say congrats on this milestone and I'm always happy with your work, i mainly learned about LD+ on new grounds. Then i was always a fan of it, keep up the great work

(1 edit)

I feel the exact same way. encounters never get old and there is always something new to discover [ I'm lv 216]

Thanks for the answer. Just wanted to know what they where


Are the playable bad ends patreon exclusive? And if they are, is it worth it?

Your suggestion is good, but maybe like a button that gives you the exp/eros for a certain area like. Making you lv 5 when you enter forest dungeon and giving you like 1.5k eros

No, but there is a mod called "dirty cheats done for free" that can give you inf money,exp and items

Keep up the amazing work!

Two words. They cooked

I feel like that this game has taken a massive step down from fun open world rpg with emphasis on how YOU want to play to visual novel were the story feels very linear and dull, the combat feels boring and static and overall the legacy version was better in every way. 

Now please understand I'm not undermining your efforts as a dev your probably made one of the only ero games I really enjoy playing.

So please if your see this comment, please consider changing the game back to what it once was 

but if you really want to take the game in this direction i will not judge you, your game, you do what you want with it

always know its never late to go back my guy

Thanks for the suggestion

Yeah i agree mimics are better because they are easier to defeat and you don't have to fight like 100 enemy's to get some exp (personally have not play labyrinth nightmare mode)


Might just be my own skill issue but the  opening fight in the moster capital is incredibly hard and i just wanted to know if ether 

A: is there a fast way to gain levels?

B: a cheat code or mod that gives you max level or max stats?  

Yeah, that is what i had in mind.

Do you mean its not a good idea?.

Just a question, do you plan on adding any male or futa enemy's the game is already great without them i was just wondering if you considerd this idea.

Keep up the good work I'm enjoying this game so far

I really enjoy this game but I am wondering how you figure out the clock puzzle. I want to know how to get the last number for the clock I could figure out 22 and 12 but i need one more any help would be appreciated. 

Im just posting my own ideas i am not forcing my ideas in game i was just suggesting somethings i would like to see please don't jump to any conclusions and have a good day

This game is incredibly well made and enjoyable to play I am exited for new content on the way also i have some ideas for jobs just to help a brotha out

 waitress - needs pure maiden or adventurer title

allows saria to become a waitress in a restaurant in cardinals heart and her main job is to take orders from the customers and keep them entertained the way you do it... its up to you

brothel waitress - needs explorer or night lady title

pretty much the same as normal waitress but customers can pay to have sex with you or other lewd actions you can also tend the bar and serve drinks to the customers

prostitute - needs luxury prostitute or normal prostitute 

this allows saria to whore herself out for money if your make her a big enough slut she can do it for free - only available at night 

maid - needs slut/whore title

this allows saria to become a maid and service her "master" my cleaning the house or doing more lewd services to make him happy - only available during the day

these are just my ideas it would be really awesome if they get added until then keep up the good work